
12th IoT-Talks: Data – Fuel and Vehicle for the Internet of Things

Methods, technologies and application examples for collecting, transporting and evaluating data in the Internet of Things. more

Intellectual Capital Report 2015

Salzburg Research publishes an intellectual capital statement annually. Numbers, data, facts, results and achievements from the 2015:


BIB4SGRID – Business Models including Batteries for Smart Grids

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are naturally very volatile as they depend on the time of day or weather. This provides major challenges for power supply companies. more

Architekturmodelle für Geoweb-Anwendungen


Viele Webanwendungen stehen vor der Herausforderung, Funktionalitäten geografischer Informationssysteme (GIS) zu integrieren. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt drei Modelle von Softwarearchitekturen und wie Web-/Enterprise-Anwendungen mit GIS-Funktionalitäten erweitert werden können. Ausgehend von kartenbasierten Mashups werden client- und serverzentrierte Architekturen sowie Hybridarchitekturen vorgestellt. Eine Gegenüberstellung und Bewertung der Architekturmodelle schließen den Beitrag ab.


  1. Anforderungen an Geoweb-Anwendungen
  2. Architekturmodelle
    1. Karten-Mashups
    2. Klassische Architekturmodelle für Webanwendungen
  3. Architekturmodelle für Geoweb-Anwendungen
    1. Clientzentrierte Architektur (Independent Client bzw. webbasiertes Mashup)
    2. Serverzentrierte Architektur (Dump Client bzw. serverzentriertes Mashup)
    3. Hybridarchitektur (Server Modified Client bzw. webbasiertes Service/Daten-Mashup)
  4. Gegenüberstellung und Bewertung der Architekturmodelle
    1. Bewertungskriterien
    2. Gegenüberstellung der Architekturen
  5. Literatur

HMD, Heft 276, Dezember 2010

GUSTAV – Mobile disaster documentation and online disaster management

Future GALILEO application for disaster management more

Bereichsbroschüre Computational Logistics Lab

Apache Stanbol graduated to Top Level Project

With the recent resolution of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the incubating project Apache Stanbol becomes a top-level project at the ASF. more

Report: Team up! – 4th E-Health Day Salzburg

The fourth team up! event was dedicated to focusing on electronic medication. more

Report: ApacheCon 2012

The project Apache Stanbol, driven by the European project „IKS – Interactive Knowledge Stack“ (co-ordinated by Salzburg Research), was co-organising the „Linked Data Track“ at the ApacheCon 2012. more

Report: I-SEMANTICS 2012 – 8th Int. Conference on Semantic Systems

Salzburg Research presented at the integration of the Linked Media Framework (LMF) with Apache Stanbol. more

CERTESS -European Cultural Routes – Transfer Experiences, Share Solutions

CERTESS aims at setting up a common methodological framework on how to develop, manage and enhance European Cultural Routes (ECRs), by utilising reference development and governance instruments targeted to foster sustainable cultural tourism. more

Linked Media Framework, Release 2.2.0

Our Linked Media Framework, Release 2.2.0, is now available under Apache License: more

Leveraging age diversity in times of demographic change: The cucial role of leadership.

Report: AGIT 2012: Special Forum “Open Street Map”

Salzburg Research and trafficon organized the Special Forum “OpenStreetMap” as part of AGIT2012, the Symposium and Exhibition on Applied Geoinformatics. more

EMPOWER – Empowerment for Diabetes Patients

EMPOWER supports the self-management of diabetes patients through a modular and standards-based Patient Empowerment Framework. more

Report: Semantic Enterprise Technologies in Action

Join us in Salzburg to see what linked data and open source advanced semantic applications can offer to your enterprise/content management system. more

T-Systems Award for ways4all

The research project ways4all was awarded the T-Systems Innovation Award. more

Augmented Reality, sprachbasierte Navigation und digitale Karte – Fußgängernavigation unter Verwendung von OpenStreetMap.

Tomorrow’s Integrated Care: Interoperability Testing in Guideline-driven Cardiac Telemonitoring

iCARDEA: a Practical Approach to Facilitate Data Integration of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Patients in Cardiological Treatment

Patient empowerment for Patients with implantable Defibrillators–ehealth-2011

Patient Empowerment Framework for Cardiac Patients

Nina Held: Spielanlässe zur Bildungsdokumentation.


Adding Wings to Red Bull Media: Search and Display semantically enhanced Video Fragments.

Crowdsourcing bei Geo- und Reisedatenprojekten – was macht OpenStreetmap, Waze & Co so erfolgreich?

Das Buch ist sowohl online auf Slideshare wie auch im Verlag Book on Demand erhältlich:

Die Möglichkeiten des Web 2.0 zur Mitgestaltung sowie die Verbreitung von GPS-Geräten und Smartphones führten in den letzten Jahren zu einer raschen Zunahme und Verbreitung von Geo- und Reisedatenprojekten. Als Vorbild für viele der Projekte und Unternehmen ist hier die freie Weltkarte „OpenStreetMap“ zu nennen: Durch das Mitwirken von tausenden Freiwilligen ist es gelungen, Kartenmaterial für viele Regionen der Welt zu erstellen und der Gemeinschaft zur freien Nutzung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Doch wie kann ein solcher Erfolg gelingen? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurden fünf erfolgreiche Projekte bzw. Unternehmen in Fallstudien untersucht. Dabei wurden vor allem die gemeinschaftsbildenden Angebote analysiert, die es ermöglichen, große Zahlen von Mitmacher/innen zu motivieren, Reise- und Geodaten zu sammeln und der Gemeinschaft zur Verfügung zu stellen. Aus den Erfahrungen mit der freien Weltkarte OpenStreetMap, den Verkehrsinformationssystemen TomTom und Waze, der Navigationsanwendung Skobbler sowie dem Fitnessbegleiter Runtastic werden Schlüsse im Hinblick auf die Erfolgsfaktoren für ähnliche Projekte gezogen.

Hintergrund für diese Studie ist das Forschungsprojekt „OpenTravelTimeMap”, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, im Zeitraum Januar 2011 bis März 2012 Konzepte und Technologien für eine weltweite, freie Reisezeitenkarte nach dem Wiki-Prinzip zu erforschen. Unter der Leitung von Dr. Karl Rehrl von der Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft arbeiten Mitarbeiter/innen des Instituts für anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung der Johannes Keppler Universität Linz, der LOB iC GmbH, der PRISMA solutions EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH sowie der Traffic Consultants GmbH an Konzepten und Technologien. Das Projekt wird vom österreichischen Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT) im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „ways2go“ als Teil des Strategieprogramms „IV2Splus – Intelligente Verkehrssysteme und Services plus“ gefördert.

Report: Disruptive Innovation – Implications for Competitiveness and Policy

Salzburg Research took part on the Inno-Grips Workshop on disruptive Innovation in Brussels. more

New Field of Research: Logistics Optimization

The new “Computational Logistics Lab” (CLL) offers research and development services for the transportation and logistics industry. more

PIK – Patient transport management in a crisis

PIK supports emergency response organizations in crisis situations providing automated disposition support of operating resources and to automatize communication with hospitals. more

Pedestrian Navigation with Augmented Reality, Voice and Digital Map: Results from a Field Study assessing Performance and User Experience.

iMedication: Digital Risk Assistant for Hospitals

iMedication supports early identification of adverse drug reactions by an ICT-based process. more

Social Software for Social Inclusion: Aspirations, Realities and Futures.

One-way loss measurements from IPFIX records

In this work we describe a methodology to estimate one-way packet loss from IPFIX or NetFlow flow records collected at two monitoring points. The proposed method does not require tight synchronization between the two monitoring points, nor it relies upon external routing information. It can run online or offline, and can work on legacy IPFIX/NetFlow traces which were not collected for the specific purpose of loss estimation. In this preliminary work we describe the estimation procedure and present early validation results from a real testbed.

update 4|2011

Inhalt: | Greifbares Innovationspotenzial | Autowäsche und Pilates | Rezertifizierung | Erfolgreiches Kompetenzzentrum | netd@ys special 2011 | iMedication | Smart Talks | Gewinner des IKS UX Contest | Best Paper Award

Online-Gemeinschaften und Crowds und ihre Nutzung in Unternehmen.


Crowdfunding und Social Payments – Im Anwendungskontext von Open Educational Resources.

 online zugänglich unter

Report: EULOG 2012

Decision support in logistics: planning, dispatching, and optimizing – from model to practical use more

Report: Long Night of Research

Research centers troughout Austria, including Salzburg Research, opened their doors and provided interesting insights into their work. more

Report: IKS “Web and Intranet Professionals” Workshop

This workshop brought together a broad range of web and intranet professionals eager to learn more about the ideas and solutions behind semantic (Web) Technologies. more

QM-certification according to EN ISO 9001

Salzburg Research has been audited and successfully recertified by TÜV Austria. more

Innovation Signals – Development of a Social Web Innovation Signals Amplifier

Utilisation of social web and user generated content for innovation purposes for companies in the sports and leisure industry. more

SMARD – European Support Framework on Networked Media R&D for SMEs

SMARD is an EU funded project that aims at supporting SMEs in the creative industries to better translate their research and development (R&D) activities, particularly in the field of networked media, into innovative products and services. more

Mobile Gaming Communities. State of the Art Analysis and Business Implications.


agINFRA – Data Infrastructure to Support Agricultural Scientific Communities

Providing a Linked Data based e-infrastructure for sharing and curating open research data. more

CreativeCH – Creative Cooperations in Cultural Heritage

Cooperation of cultural institutions, science & technology centers and creative industries promotes innovative communication and economic potential of cultural heritage.  more

Life-saving Technology

Salzburg Research is working on a number of technologies that specifically benefit the various task forces. more

Report: Innovation and Trends in e-Tourism

Tourism is varied: from digital natives to silver surfers, always-on-junkies, and total digital abstinence – this is the mix of tourists. Heterogeneity is reflected in the demands for innovative tourism products. The event will provide insight into current developments and trends and shows the concrete implementation of tourism practices. more

update 3|2011

  • Technologie für Lebensretter:
    • Dirigent für Softwaretests
    • Neue Technologie für Salzburger Einsatzkräfte
    • Internationale Katastrophenhilfe
  • Neue Partner im Kompetenzzentrum
  • App für den Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
  • IKS Award
  • Kinder forschen

IKS Semantic CMS UI/X Competition

IKS is calling on developers to build killer User Experiences on top of IKS technology. more

The Digital City of Tomorrow

Salzburg Research organised on behalf of Forschung Austria the workshop “The Digital City of Tomorrow” at the Alpbach Technology Talks 2011. more

Report: 5th IT Business Talk

Experts from business and science are sharing their knowledge on current topics from the world of technology. more

STEP – online measurements for dispatching of waste disposal vehicles

In STEP, a prototype of a planning system will be developed and that uses online measurements from waste containers for the dispatching of waste disposal vehicles. Waste container measurements such as fill-level and temperature will be integrated into a mathematical planning-procedure to calculate and visualize optimal routes for daily, demand-driven waste disposal using large containers. more

ServicePLAN+ – dynamic vehicle disposition in the service-industry

In the project ServicePLAN+ a pilot system will be developed and evaluated to calculate inter-modal tours that support dynamic vehicle disposition in the service-industry. more

Teenagers as Researchers

Since July 2011 several interns at Salzburg Research immerse themselves in the world of research.


Report: EWICS Summer Meeting 2011 in Salzburg

Salzburg Research again hosted the Summer Meeting of the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems – Reliability, Safety and Security (EWICS). more

Report: Forum Alpbach Workshop “The digital city of tomorrow”

Salzburg Research and the Austrian Institute of Technology organised the workshop “The digital city of tomorrow” within the European Forum Alpbach. more

SafeMotion – integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia

The project “SafeMotion” will develop and evaluate a new, integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia with “medium severity”. The goal is to adapt the system for the needs of the patients as well as their immediate surrounding by using an adaptive rule based system so that the best possible support is provided in everyday situations. The cornerstones of this concept are: complete integration of system components into everyday objects, a minimal configuration overhead, and highest reliability of alarms in a distress situations. more

Report: 8th Salzburg Media Day

The Salzburg Media Day within the scope of the trade fair Futura dealt with HbbTV.

Smart Integration and Search Solutions for Corporate Data

Salzburg Research offers one of the few Linked Data Server as open source software on Google code. more

Mit 70 km/h durch den Untergrund

Mit innovativen Technologien soll der Abfalltransport effizienter und umweltfreundlicher werden. Auch in Österreich wird an entsprechenden Lösungen geforscht. […]

International IPv6 Day on June 8th

On 8 June 2011 the global IPv6 capability in the Internet is tested. Salzburg Research has long been available over IPv6, and examines the accessibility of the participating sites. more

update 2|2011

IDIRA – Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions

System of technologies and guidelines for optimal resource planning and operations across national and organisational borders in case of disasters. more

Report: eHealth 2011: Health Informatics meets eHealth – From Science to Application and back

The conference wanted to build a bridge from research to application of information and communication technology in health care. Manuela Plößnig from Salzburg Research was one of the speakers. more

Report: AGIT_2011 Special Forum: OpenStreetMap – Next.Level

Salzburg Research and Trafficon are organised the Special Forum on within the scope of AGIT 2011, the Austrian Trade Fair and Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics. more

Robotics at the “House of Nature” in Salzburg

“Robotics” is the new school program by Salzburg Research for pupils aged 13 and up. It can now be booked at the “House of Nature” in Salzburg. more

Report: PHP Content Repository Development Workshop in Switzerland

IKS organised a PHP Content Repository workshop in Switzerland in association with the PHPCR and Jackalope projects. more

Annual Report 2010

(German only)

Learning 2.0 for an Inclusive Knowledge Society – Understanding the Picture.

Learning 2.0 for an Inclusive Knowledge Society

Entropy estimation for real-time encrypted traffic identification

Linked Media. Ein White-Paper zu den Potentialen von Linked People, Linked Content und Linked Data in Unternehmen.

Linked Media. Ein White-Paper zu den Potentialen von Linked People, Linked Content und Linked Data in Unternehmen.

Report: e-Health Conference

The “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Datenverarbeitung” organised the Austrian e-Health Conference in Vienna. Cornelia Schneider, Head of the Competence Field e-Health at Salzburg Research, was speaker at the conference. more

Salzburg Research places Emphasis on Open Source Communities

Salzburg Research places emphasis on Open Source in two major EU funded projects and actively invests in the build-up of communities. more

Report: Smarter Salzburg Circle: Digital Innovations for the Future of Traffic

IBM and Salzburg Research invited representatives from research and industry in Salzburg to the networking event “Smarter Salzburg Circle – Digital Innovations for die Future of Traffic”. more

Report: GeoTalk 4 – Geoinformation for Emergency Forces

The GIS Cluster Salzburg organised the 4th Geo Talk on April 7th, 2011 den 4. GeoTalk. more

Dagstuhl Manifesto – Digital Social Media.

Ursina Mögerle: Substitution oder Komplementarität?

Rezension vom 28.06.2010

Datalog Relaunched: Simulation Unification and Value Invention

iCARDEA – an Approach to Reducing Human Workload in Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Follow-Ups

Cognitive Bandwidth Planning of Mission Critical Traffic in Federated Heterogeneous Inter-Domain Future Internet Environments.

Mobilitätssichernde Assistenzsysteme zur Unterstützung älterer Menschen.

GPS-based Voice Guidance as Navigation Support for Pedestrians, Alpine Skiers and Alpine Tourers.

Raum-zeitliche Auswertungen von Personenströmen

Report: Development of Location-based Services for iPhone and Android Smartphones

Within the scope of the “16. Münchner Fortbildungsseminars Geoinformationssysteme” at the Technical University of Munich, Salzburg Research offered  a tutorial on mobile applications for smartphones. more

Report: IKS Semantic Interaction Hackathon in Vienna

The IKS Semantic Interaction Hackathon in Vienna was attended by 30 developers. more

Textbook: Learning and Teaching with Technologies

The textbook was presented at the “Learntec” in Karlsruhe, Germany’s largest fair for learning technology, and is now available online for free. more

AQUILA – End of the World Wide Wait?

Architecture to enable the dynamic Internet QoS-demands of modern multimedia applikations. more

emteba – Emerging Technology Base

The emteba knowledge base addresses users and experts in emerging technology fields. The aim of the emteba platform is to boost the visibility of projects in these areas and contribute to the emerging web of linked data. more

Hypervideo – Interactive TV with Web Browsers

National research project in co-operation with Telekom Austria (2000-2001) more

SNML-TNG: Salzburg NewMediaLab – The Next Generation

Research on the socio-economic and the technological level in the fields of Social Computing, Social Media & Enterprise 2.0, Semantic Web & Linked Data, and Multimedia Annotations. more

VICODI – Visual Contextualisation of Digital Content

Dynamic publication, visualisation and contextualisation of historic documents more

DigiCULT – Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow’s Cultural Economy

A strategic study on the digital cultural economy for the European Commission, DG Information Society more

Digital Cultural Heritage Networks

A survey for the Council of Europe on digital cultural heritage networks and projects in Europe and beyond more

E-Portfolio for your Future

E-portfolios for the personal and professional development of students more

OECD study on ICT in Teacher Training

Austrian part of the OECD study on the use of ICT in initial teacher training on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. more

EduMedia Conference 2005-2010

Annual conference of Salzburg Research’s EduMedia Group – the meeting point for experts and practitioners in ICT-enhanced learning and training. more

EduMoodle – Evaluation of the learning platform EduMoodle

A study on the use of EduMoodle commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture more

MobiCom – Study on Mobile Communities

A study on how to develop successful mobile communities in the domains of games, learning and health more

Austrian Digital Heritage Initiative

Implementation of an information platform for digitisation projects in Austria more

GRISINO – Grid, Semantics and Intelligent Objects

The GRISINO research project combines Grid computing, semantic web services and intelligent objects. more

OLCOS – eLearning Content Observatory Services

A roadmap, tutorials and collaborations for open educational resources and practices more

digiTech innovativ – Consulting and Learning Platform

Research-driven Innovation Management for SMEs more

PRO-ICT – Promoting ICT to Female Students

Webbased e-learning platform to support women when entering into the information and communication technology sector more

DigiCULT Forum – The Technology-Watchdog for European Cultural Heritage

Monitoring of digital Technologies with Relevance to the Cultural Heritage Sector. more

Open-Spirit – Study and Pilot-Demonstration of intermodal/interoperable Traveller-Information-Technologies

Innovation, pilot and demonstration study in the domain of intermodal passenger transport management more

RescueNet und CaR.

Report: LMF Programming Camp

Programming Camp for Developers inside of Salzburg NewMediaLab and all interested parties. more

Prototyp eines Werkzeuges zur Planungsunterstützung von Individualreisen und Außendienstmitarbeitern.

iMedication – a Rule-based Expert Network for Intelligent Medication

Safe medication is a growing concern in the health sector. Doctors are no longer able to keep abreast of the steadily growing amount of drugs and their potential for unintended interactions and adverse drug events (ADE). more

ROFCO – Robust Facility Communication

ICT Infrastructures for in-house communications more

ways2navigate – navigation for pedestrians

The aim of ways2navigate is to close effectively information deficit of pedestrians with novel navigation technologies. The project studies with the help of iterative user experiments which conditions and which target groups are suitable for digital map, language and Augmented Reality technology in order to support pedestrians in an urban environment. more

SemWay – Semantics for Navigation Systems

SemWay aims at developing a methodology and models for building semantically enriched navigation systems. more

LINKS-UP – learning 2.0 for disadvantaged people

Links-up is research project about how ‘Web 2.0’ technologies – e.g. social networking software – are changing the face of education and training for disadvantaged people. more


RACE is a basic research project which studies the automated selection and parameterization of heuristic optimization methods. more

myTV – my Semantically Enhanced Personalized TV Experience

myTV’s aim is to support Austrian IPTV providers to reach the next level in the Internet TV evolution by providing methods and tools that lower the hurdles for content and infrastructure providers. more

STERNA – Semantic Web-based Thematic European Reference Network Application

Semantic Web technologies in museums should enhance access to cultural content more

MOMENT – Monitoring and Measurement in the Next Generation Technologies

A common and open, pan-European platform by confederating participants from various FP5, FP6 and other measurement-related projects. more

Technology for disabled people

Salzburg Research supports the Anna-Bertha-Königsegg School in Salzburg with learning technology. more

Report: KiWi Snow Camp Hackathon

The KiWi Snow Camp took place from February 17th – 19th, 2011. The task list for the KiWi core developer team and the invited Open Source developers was: two days coding, one day skiing. more

KiWi – Knowledge in a Wiki

KiWi – Knowledge in a Wiki is an EU-funded project (No 211932) combining the wiki philosophy with methods of the Semantic Web, aiming to develop a new approach to knowledge management. more

Das Geoweb – Die Verbindung zwischen dem WWW und der physischen Welt


Das Geoweb hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem der wichtigsten Trends im WWW entwickelt. Viele Webtechnologien – wie Datenbanken, Middleware und Präsentationssoftware – wurden kontinuierlich für die Verarbeitung georeferenzierter Daten adaptiert. Die Frage nach dem “Wo” lässt sich bereits für zahlreiche digitale Inhalte beantworten, die Verknüpfung der virtuellen mit der realen Welt schreitet zügig voran. Digitale Weltkarten zum Beispiel bieten gute Möglichkeiten zur räumlichen Strukturierung von ortsbezogenen Informationen. Vor allem im Bereich des mobilen Web ist ein rasantes Wachstum von ortsbasierten Diensten festzustellen, die den aktuellen Aufenthaltsort der Nutzer zur Informationsfilterung heranziehen. Während die Echtzeitlokalisierung von Personen oder Objekten für die einen ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung eines “intelligenten” Web ist, ruft sie zunehmend auch Datenschützer auf den Plan. Neben der Berücksichtigung von Datenschutz und Privatsphäre liegen die künftigen Herausforderungen des Geoweb vor allem im Bereich der semantischen Interoperabilität von Geodiensten sowie in der Nutzung von Communitys.


  1. Historische Entwicklung
  2. Kategorien von Anwendungen
  3. Georeferenzierung
    1. Geodatenbanken
    2. Middleware für die Verarbeitung georeferenzierter Daten
    3. Präsentation und Interaktion
  4. Allgegenwärtige Dienste, räumliche Semantiken und ortsbezogene Communitys
  5. Datenschutz und Privatsphäre
  6. Literatur

HMD, Heft 276, Dezember 2010


Wir alle nutzen beinahe täglich das Web – und viele unserer Interaktionen im Web enthalten die Frage nach dem “Wo”: Wo befindet sich die nächstgelegene Kneipe? Was ist der kürzeste Fußweg dorthin? Wie schaut es am Urlaubsort (tatsächlich) aus? Wo wäre ein geeigneter Standort für das neue Vereinshaus? Diese und viele andere Fragen beantworten wir zunehmend mit Geoweb-Anwendungen. Das vorliegende HMD- Schwerpunktheft beschäftigt sich damit, welche Konzepte, Methoden, Technologien und Werkzeuge diesen Geoweb- Anwendungen zugrunde liegen.

Methoden und Technologien zur Verortung von Objekten und Personen stehen oft am Beginn der Überlegungen bei der Entwicklung einer Geoweb-Anwendung; darauf folgt die Frage, wie man solche geocodierten Daten speichert und effizient abfragen kann (und dabei den Datenschutz beachtet). Woher kommen die Daten eigentlich und wie kann man unterschiedliche Quellen mithilfe von Geosensornetzwerken (intelligent und standardisiert) vernetzen? Und wie interagieren Benutzer mit dem Geoweb? Wie werden digitale Karten eingebunden und welche Alternativen zur Interaktion mit Karten gibt es? Welche Beispiele existieren für Geoweb- Anwendungen und welche räumlichen Fragestellungen lassen sich damit beantworten?

Fragen über Fragen – wir hoffen, dass dieses Heft viele davon beantwortet oder zumindest Hinweise auf Referenzen und damit Hilfestellung in der praktischen Umsetzung von Geoweb-Anwendungen gibt.

Klar ist auch, dass die Frage des Ortes nur eine Sichtweise darstellt. Wichtig sind ja auch das Wann, das Was, das Wie, das Wer usw. Aber wir denken, dass die Verortung jener Baustein ist, der von den meisten der bestehenden und vor allem der kommenden Anwendungen – vorrangig mobilen Anwendungen, aber auch Informationssysteme generell – nicht mehr wegzudenken sein wird.

Wir wünschen eine anregende Lektüre und bedanken uns bei den Autorinnen und Autoren für ihre Beiträge und dem für die ausgezeichnete redaktionelle Bearbeitung.

Karl Rehrl, Siegfried Reich


Mobile Communities: New Study

Study on different aspects of mobile communities. Joint project of Salzburg Research with evolaris Next Level. more

Nutzungsstudie zur Verwendung der Lernplattform Moodle zur Individualisierung im Unterricht.

Die vorliegende Nutzungsstudie beleuchtet die Verwendung der Plattform edumoodle im Hinblick auf Individualisierung und Differenzierung im Unterricht. Zu diesem Zweck wurden über 100 Lehrer/-innen mittels Online-Fragebogen befragt sowie ausgewählte Kursbeispiele analysiert.
Die theoretisch-systematische Grundannahme für die Vorgehensweise basiert dabei auf der von Schrack & Nàrosy (2009) entwickelten „Systematik der Individualisierung“. Die in dieser Systematik enthaltenen Elemente, die in fünf verschiedene Typen der Individualisierung und Differenzierung eingeteilt sind, wurden als Basis für die vorliegende Nutzungsstudie herangezogen.
Die Befragten wurden in der Arbeit gebeten, ihre persönliche Einschätzung zur Häufigkeit der Verwendung individualisierender Maßnahmen Stellung zu nehmen und diese für drei unterschiedliche Bereiche (im Unterricht ohne Computer, im Unterricht mit Computer, im Unterricht mit Lernplattform) darzustellen.

METOKIS – Methodology and Tools Infrastructure for the Creation of Knowledge Units

Architecture and tools for producing, exchanging, and trading knowledge units more

Mobilitätssichernde Assistenzsysteme

Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz.

Wir leben und lernen heute in einer Welt mit einem großen Angebot an Bildungstechnologien und mit der Informationsfülle des partizipativen Internet. Weitgehend unerforscht ist die Frage, wie damit Kreativität und kreatives Lernen forciert werden kann, gelten sie immerhin als Schlüsselqualifikationen der Zukunft.

Im Fokus der interdisziplinären Fachtagung “Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz” standen der kreative Mensch, der Prozess, das kreative Produkt und das notwendige kreative Umfeld. Gleichlautend auch der Tagungsband der 5. EduMedia-Tagung, die von 4.-5. Mai 2009 in Salzburg statt fand.

Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Michaela Luckmann (Hrsg.) (2009).
Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz. Wie kommt das Neue mit Hilfe von Internettechnologien in die Welt?
Verlag: Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
ISBN 978-3-902448-14-9

Mobile Gemeinschaften. Erfolgreiche Beispiele aus den Bereichen Spielen, Lernen und Gesundheit.

mit Beiträgen von Nicola Döring, Martin Ebner, Christian Kittl und Emanuel Maxl

Über Online-Gemeinschaften wird schon seit mehr als 20 Jahren geforscht. Gemeinschaften, die ausschließlich oder vorrangig über mobile Endgeräte kommunizieren sind hingegen eine junge Entwicklung. Die Forschungseinrichtung evolaris (Graz) und die Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft sowie das Salzburg NewMediaLab haben nun in dieser Studie erfolgreiche Beispiele für solche mobilen Gemeinschaften zusammengetragen.

MobiCom Studie from Salzburg Research on Vimeo.

Für mobile Gemeinschaften sehen vor allem Mobilfunkbetreiber und Handyhersteller großes ökonomisches Potential: Wer sich gerne mobil austauscht und kommuniziert, benötigt dazu entsprechende Ausrüstung und zahlt dafür auch. Im Fokus dieser Studie stehen dabei die Einsatzbereiche Spielen, Lernen und Gesundheit. Anhand von Beispielen für mobile Gemeinschaften, die sich zusammenfinden um gemeinsam fit zu bleiben, gemeinsame Spielabenteuer zu erleben oder auch gemeinsam zu lernen, wird gezeigt wie sich derzeit mobile Gemeinschaften bilden und austauschen und was Nachahmer berücksichtigen sollen. Ergänzend wurden Expert/innen gebeten, aus ihrem Arbeitsgebiet zu berichten: Prof. Dr. Nicola Döring, Dr. Martin Ebner, Dr. Christian Kittl und Mag. Emanuel Maxl teilen auf diese Weise ihren Erfahrungsschatz.

Die Studie ist sowohl gedruckt mit mehr als 40 farbigen Abbildungen im Buchhandel erhältlich (29.90 Euro; ISBN 978-3-902448-25-5), als auch frei und kostenlos zugänglich im Web (wie alle Bände der Social-Media-Reihe) erhältlich:


update 4|10

  • Innovatives Müll-Management
  • Intelligente Haustechnik
  • Optimierte Auslieferung
  • Selbstbestimmtes Leben im Alter
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Sprachen lernen – mal anders
  • Suchmaschinen-Optimierung

VaKE – Values and Knowledge Education

Online constructivist learning and discussion of value issues more

KiWi – A Platform for Building Semantic Social Media Applications

KiWi is a platform for building Semantic Social Media applications incorporating many innovative technologies that have matured through the research we have carried out in the project. After almost three years of research and development, it is now time to release what we have worked on to the public. We hope that you will find our system worthwhile – maybe you even consider building your own Social Media application on top of it?
This booklet, accompanying the KiWi 1.0 release, aims to summarize the key features offered by the platform and provide you with background information. But more importantly, this booklet also aims to tell you a bit about the people behind KiWi, the people who have worked almost three years on making the release happen. After all, software is not only for the people, it is also from people!
Each of the persons you will find here has his own view and visions regarding the platform. I hope you will enjoy reading what they think!
Salzburg, 1st October 2010
Sebastian Schaffert

Hist.Urban – Integrated Revitalization of Historical Towns to Promote a Polycentric and Sustainable Development

New and interdisciplinary urban planning strategies and procedures more

ImportNet – Setting up collaboration in virtual enterprises for mechatronics design

ImportNET will  provide a framework which builds a base to support cross-domain engineering (mechanics, electronics, embedded software) tasks within an intercultural collaboration in an efficient way. more

Cognitive Bandwidth Planning of Mission Critical Traffic in Federated Heterogeneous Inter-Domain Future Internet Environments.

MINER – Measurement Infrastructure for Network Research

MINER is a programmable software platform that supports users in conducting distributed experiments. So far, MINER has been primarily used for performance evaluation in computer networks. However, the platform can be equally applied to conduct distributed experiments that are not related to network measurements. more

10 Jahre Internet-Forschung für Wirtschaft und Ausbildung

MAP3 – Sun Centre of Excellence for Map-based Online Public Participation

Concepts and technologies for improved public participation in public participation processes and decision finding more

SAFE-EVENT – Integration of security issues and tourism applications for events in the State of Salzburg

Concepts and technologies for advanced security during big events. more

TPA – Route Scheduling for Field Staff

The software prototype enables a significant efficiency increase in route scheduling. It is tailored to meet the requirements of field staff, especially for small and medium-sized companies. more

FLOW – Dynamical Fleet Scheduling

Design and evaluate a service architecture to utilize real-time traffic information for dynamical fleet scheduling. more

CoMoNet – Convergent Mobile Networks

CoMoNet deals with the convergence of different mobile data transmission technologies and possible application scenarios in the region of Salzburg. Thereby technologies like UMTS, GSM/GPRS, WLAN/Wimax and DVB-H/DVB-T are explored and tested. more

SANDY – Synchronised Access Networks for Distributed real-time sYstems

Software architecture for optimising time-sensitive data transmission via the Internet. more

update 05.3

  • Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung auf hohem Niveau
  • Innovation ist planbar
  • Ran an die Computer, Frauen!
  • Das Handy als Navigationsgerät
  • eTourism Center – das erste Jahr

update 07.3

  • GO2Frequency – Kommunikationstechnologie statt Stau
  • Ihre Online-Zeitung von morgen
  • Semantisches Wiki
  • Software für Lebensretter
  • Wissensraum für Kulturinstitution

update 07.4

  • Selbstvertrauen durch E-Portfolios
  • Grenzüberschreitende Qualifikation
  • Barrierefreie Sportregion
  • Salzburger Online-Jugendatlas
  • kids_JOIN_tech
  • Mobiles Fernsehen in Österreich

update 08.1

  • Netd@ys Austria 07|08
  • LBS2008: Call for Contributions
  • 10 Jahre ANC
  • Innovationsscheck eingelöst
  • Wanderbarer Salzburgführer
  • Optimierung in der Transportlogistik

update 2|08

  • Mehr als nur ein Ferienjob
  • Erlebnis HDTV?!
  • Nachrichtenportale und Web 2.0
  • Olympia-TV interaktiv
  • Salzburgs Verkehr im Blick
  • Datenschutz in Netzwerken

KiWi version 1.0 lauched

After more than two and a half years of development version 1.0 of the semantic collaborative knowledge management software was published. more

Report: Salzburg Research’s 10th Anniversary

Salzburg Research celebratet it’s 10th anniversary on October 22nd, 2010. more

Salzburg Research’s 10th Anniversary

Salzburg Research celebratet it’s 10th anniversary on October 22nd, 2010. more

10 Jahre Salzburg Research

REGNET – Cultural Heritage in Regional Networks

Development of an infrastructure for business processes of cultural heritage organisations more

CULTOS – Cultural Units of Learning, Tools and Services

Authoring and knowledge management tools for cultural multimedia more

COVAX – Contemporary Culture Virtual Archives in XML

Development of XML based applications for publication and distributed access to archival records more

update Okt|09

  • Neue Impulse für Chancengleichheit
  • Wirtschaftsnahe Forschung
  • ESWC Best Demo Award
  • Mobiler Reiseführer tripwolf
  • Interaktives Content Management
  • MobileSurveySuite
  • Salzburger Medientag 2009

NetQOS Policy based Management of Heterogeneous Networks for Guaranteed QoS

The main focus is on an (widely) autonomous management approach with the objective of providing enhanced quality of service (QoS) and resource utilization in varying operational environments more

CaR Connect and Rescue

A software prototype for the connection of the IT of the field forces to existing in-house IT-Security systems more

Erfolgreicher Aufbau von Online-Communitys.

Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (Hrsg.): Messverfahren und Benchmarks in der Weiterbildung.

Getting Granular on Twitter Tweets from a Conference and their Limited Usefulness for Non-Participants.

Mashups for Learning – Editorial.

The special track “Mashups for Learning” (MASHL 2009) took place within the “International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning” (ICL 2009) in Villach, Austria. Personal Learning Environments (PLE) are the application type for mashing up learning services. We asked for contributions for an increasing research field. MASHL 2009 provided an excellent space for discussions in order to improve the learning and teaching routines of tomorrow. This special issue consists of the outcomes of this intensive process with international experts.

Die Standortattraktivität europäischer Hochschulen fördern?

Future Media Adoption in Learning and Teaching:

Web-Monitoring mit freien Quellen und Werkzeugen für Unternehmen.

E-Portfolio as a Means to Reflect on and Assess Learning:

Strategic Integration of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education.

Wie gut bin ich? – Reputationssysteme im Web.

Inclusion through Learning and Web 2.0 – A New Project for Better Policies and Initiatives.

New Forms of and Tools for Cooperative Learning with Social Software in Higher Education.

Lebensübergänge Online.

MOSEP – More Self-Esteem with my E-Portfolio

E-portfolios as a method to prevent early school leaving and foster successful learning of students more

Intelligent Sensors in Traffic Management

An innovative traffic management system will efficiently guide the traffic in accordance with the objectives of operators.  more

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2000/2001

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2002

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2003

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2004

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2005

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2006

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2008

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2007

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2009

Lesen Sie unsere wirtschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Erfolge, unsere wichtigsten Daten und Fakten sowie umfassende Informationen über unsere international anerkannte Forschung.

Sie finden neben den Highlights aus vier Forschungslinien, zwei Kompetenzzentren sowie unseren neuen Kompetenzschwerpunkt e-Health auch unsere Wissenbilanz.

April 2010

update 1|10

  • Fortsetzung des Salzburg NewMediaLab
  • Soziale Netzwerke
  • Netd@ys Austria 2010
  • Vulgonamen-Datenbank
  • Neue Technologien für Vögelliebhaber
  • Auszeichnung für Praktikanten

update 2|10

  • Erfolgreiches Jahr 2009
  • peak.AR nun auch für Android-Handys
  • tripwolf mit Augmented Reality
  • Gender-spezifische Navigation
  • Zukunftstechnologien in Österreich
  • Datenschutzsensibles Webmonitoring

update 3|10

  • 10 Jahre Salzburg Research
  • 7. Salzburger Medientag
  • Intelligentes Verkehrsmanagement
  • Hallein-Tour-Guide: Hallein neu erleben
  • Salzburgs Weltkulturerbe am iPad
  • Salzburg NewMediaLab verlängert

SUEHC – Securing Urban Extramural Health Care

Optimising and securing the delivery of mobile care services in urban as well as in rural areas in case of catastrophes (for example, in case of flooding). SUEHC examines the critical infrastructure for possible disruptive figures. more

LIVE Staging the Olympics – A Novel interactive TV format and its supporting technology.

Grab your future with an e-portfolio

MOSEP experiments with the use of electronic portfolios as a means of supporting both the adolescents and the teaching and counselling staff working with young learners during transition phases. A strong European partnership from Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and the UK is working closely with a network of experts across Europe to produce an e-portfolio toolkit specifically designed for initial and inservice teacher trainers and vocational counsellors. This toolkit will include an e-portfolio training course, which will be developed during the two-year project. The purpose of this study is to provide insights for the course developers and to serve as background material for all e-portfolio trainers in the growing e-portfolio community and beyond.

Dynamische Produktbündelung – Ein Konzept für Salzburger Tourismusdestinationen auf dem Prüfstand

Dynamische Produktbündelung – Ein Konzept für Salzburger Tourismusdestinationen auf dem Prüfstand Dynamische Produktbündelung steht in der Tourismusindustrie für ein einziges online Reiseportal, auf dem Urlaubsgäste ihre gesamte Reise individuell zusammenstellen und buchen können, ohne auf die Webseiten der Zulieferer ausweichen zu müssen., und TUI sind Beispiele, die alles aus einer Online-Hand zu einem günstigen Paketpreis anbieten: Angebotssuche, Verfügbarkeitsprüfung, Buchung von An- und Abreise, Unterkunft, Leihwagen, Versicherung, Karten für Veranstaltungen und vieles mehr.

Das Buch “Dynamische Produktbündelung in Salzburger Tourismusdestinationen” informiert über organisatorische und technologische Aspekte, über Geschäfts- und Vertriebsmodelle, bietet Marktanalysen und zeigt Umsetzungsschritte auf. Die europaweit erste Studie dieser Art soll die Touristiker dabei unterstützen, sich ein eigenes Bild zu machen und Chancen und Risiken von dynamischer Produktbündelung abzuwägen. Auslöser für das Buch war ein Forschungsprojekt mit Salzburger Touristiker, das vom Land Salzburg und über das EFRE-Programm finanziell unterstützt wurde. In zahlreichen Experten-Workshops wurde erkannt, dass die Hype-Thematik dynamische Produktbündelung unter den Touristikern auf Interesse stößt und zugleich großer Aufklärungsbedarf besteht.

“Dynamische Produktbündelung in Salzburger Tourismusdestinationen. Eine Analyse von Potenzialen, Herausforderungen und Umsetzungsschritten” ist im ITD-Verlag, Hamburg 2007, erschienen (ISBN 978-3-9810378-2-1, Preis 39,90 Euro)

Link zum Buch:


WORKPAD: an Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Software Infrastructure for Supporting Collaborative Work of Human Operators in Emergency/Disaster Scenarios

The system presented in the paper is the main result of an on-going European research project WORKPAD (IST-2005-5-034749) that aims at building and developing an innovative software infrastructure (software, models, services, etc.) for supporting collaborative work of human operators in emergency/disaster scenarios. In such scenarios, different teams, belonging to different organizations, need to collaborate each other to reach a common goal, each team member is equipped with handheld devices (PDAs) and communication technologies, and should carry on specific tasks. In such a way we can consider the whole team as carrying on a process (macro-process), and the different teams (of the different organizations) collaborate through the interleaving of all the different processes. The idea is to investigate a 2-level framework for such scenarios: a back-end peer-to-peer community, providing advanced services requiring high computational power, data-knowledge-content integration, and a set of front-end peer-to-peer communities, that provide services to human workers, mainly by adaptively enacting processes on mobile ad-hoc networks.

WORKPAD: 2-Layered Peer-to-Peer for Emergency Management through Adaptive Processes

In this paper, we present a recently funded European research project, namely WORKPAD, that aims at designing and developing a  innovative software infrastructure (software, models, services, etc.) for supporting collaborative work of human operators in emergency/disaster scenarios. In such scenarios, different teams, belonging to different organizations, need to collaborate with one other to reach a common goal, each team member is equipped with handheld devices (PDAs) and communication technologies, and should carry on specific tasks. In such a case we can consider the whole team as carrying on a process, and the different teams (of the different organizations) collaborate through the interleaving of all the different processes (macroprocess). Each team is supported by some back-end centre, and the different centres need to cooperate at an inter-organizational level to reach an effective coordination among teams. The project will investigate a 2-level framework for such scenarios: a backend peer-to-peer community, providing advanced services requiring high computational power, data & knowledge & content integration, and a set of front-end peer-to-peer communities, that provide services to human workers, mainly by adaptively enacting processes on mobile ad-hoc networks.

Digital Cultural Heritage Networks.

In December 2002, representatives of European digital cultural heritage networks and projects met in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe to consult with council members on the most pressing issues related to the rapidly growing amount of digital cultural assets.
One of the major problems identified has to do with the fragmented and in many respects uncoordinated approach of networks and projects concerned with digital cultural heritage. Many initiatives work in parallel on the same or related problems with little exchange. Especially at the crossdomain level, information exchange and co-operation has not yet reached the desired degree to avoid double work and to ensure the most effective use of the anyway limited financial resources available to the cultural heritage sector. Therefore, the participants of the Strasbourg meeting decided to conduct a survey of networks to get a substantiated view on who is doing what and at which level in the European digital cultural heritage sector. The survey should finally help to identify those visionaries, opinion leaders and decision makers from digital cultural heritage networks that should be further involved in the Council of Europe consultation process on digital cultural heritage.

Online database:

DigiCULT Thematic Issue V.

This fifth Thematic Issue concentrates on the question of how heritage institutions might benefit from fostering virtual communities related to core activities such as exhibitions, educational programmes or in support of scholarly communities.

There is growing volume of evidence to suggest that cultural heritage institutions’ adoption of virtual communities will broaden the reach, value and relevance of cultural heritage. The vision to link the collections and work of heritage insitutions with virtual communities promises to considerably change the way we access, communicate about, share our understanding of, and participate in the experience of cultural heritage.

But, for most cultural heritage institutions, the challenge will be first to embrace the idea of co-operating with a (non-professional) online community, and then to nurture an evolving and thriving community that crosses the virtual as well as physical space.

DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 2.

Der DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 2 ist der zweite von insgesamt drei Technologie-Reports, die im Rahmen des EU-Projektes DigiCULT Forum (bis 08/2004) publiziert werden.

Verschiedenste IT-Technologien werden vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Relevanz für den Kulturerbesektor vorgestellt. Gerade für kleinere Kulturinstitutionen (und 95% sind klein) bietet dieser Report eine neutrale und kompakte Informationsquelle und Entscheidungshilfe für Entscheidungsträger in Archiven, Bibliotheken und Museen ohne kommerziellen Hintergedanken.

Folgende Technologien werden ausführlich beschrieben, mit herkömmlichen Standards und Methoden verglichen und samt Vorteilen und potenziellen Risiken für den Kulturerbe-Sektor bewertet:

– The Application Service Model

– The XML Family of Technologies

– Cultural Agents and Avatars, Electronic Programming Guides and Personalisation

– Mobile Access to Cultural Information Resources

– Rights Management and Payment Technologies

– Collaborative Mechanisms and Technologies

Digital Collections and the Management of Knowledge:

It is with great pleasure and honour to publish alongside our series of DigiCULT Publications a special edition on the digitization of emblem books. The twelve articles by distinguished experts stem from the working conference on emblem digitization held in September 2003 at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany. They allow us to exemplify how scholars in a highly specialised area of research together with digital librarians have taken advantage of information technologies, standards, and emerging best practices for the digitization of emblems and emblem books, and the scholarly work related to them. In this volume readers will find valuable information as well as encouragement for their own projects in digitizing cultural heritage resources and digitally enhanced scholarship.

Recommending Internet-domains using trails and neural networks

DigiCULT Thematic Issue VI.

This sixth Thematic Issue concentrates on how resource discovery technologies can ensure that the high value, authoritative information of heritage institutions is effectively found, retrieved, and presented to Internet users.

With a key focus on the user, the Issue looks into user-driven approaches in interactive resource discovery. Expert opinion suggests that offering easy to use services and tools able to integrate the research and learning needs and behaviours of their users may form one of the heritage institutions, answers to the dominance of general-purpose global search engines.

However, along with ensuring state-of-the-art interactive access and presentation, the heritage sector will also need to raise the public’s awareness to, and visibility of, its online resources in a more profound manner. Otherwise it faces the risk that the large investment required in creating digital collections, rich descriptive metadata, study and learning material, will fail to realise a high return – in terms of interest and appreciation, discovery and valuable uses of heritage resources.

DigiCULT.Info VI.

DigiCULT introduces our regional correspondents – using 3D technologies in heritage projects – content management – new open source tools – action in the preservation of memory – the object of learning – IRCAM digital sound archive – our knowledge society – news and events.

DigiCULT.Info VII.

Replica of La Dama de Elche using 3D scanning and printing technologies – DigiCULT user survey – projects on e-learning – Spanish archives on the Web – interview with Susan Hazan – digitisation projects in Italy – interview with Paolo Buonora – more from DigiCULT’s Regional Correspondents

DigiCULT.Info V.

ARKive and educational games –, human language technologies –, introduction to Applications Service Providers –, astronomical photo archive, interview with Jean-Pierre de Cuyper –, news for European projects –, DAVID –, DELOS –, E-CultureNet –, open source solutions –, digitisation in Turkish libraries –, Open Video Archive.

Please welcome to the next edition in a series of e-journals from DigiCULT. Heritage Informatics continues to emerge as an exciting area for both the application of new technologies and as a source for research challenges that promote innovative technological developments.

An extra day in Berlin after IFLA2003 provided an opportunity to visit the Museumsinsel, one of the finest museum complexes in the world. Currently many of its buildings are undergoing extensive renovations. As on my right I passed the reopened Alte Nationalgalerie I noticed one of the buildings currently wrapped for restoration was covered by a massive poster. In the words Weltkultur beflügelt (world culture gives wings) it asks all who pass to consider the liberating power of the cultural heritage. Articles in this issue of DigiCULT.Info all show the power of new technologies in helping cultural heritage institutions in achieving their objective of improving the care, understanding and benefits of cultural heritage to individuals and society. Reflecting on the phrase Weltkultur beflügelt, we are reminded that technology is an enabler and not an end in itself.
Seamus Ross

An implementation of a service class providing assured TCP rates within the AQUILA framework

This paper investigates an attempt to establish a QoS class that supports long-lived, bulk-data TCP flows that require a minimum rate from the network. The approach is based on a model for TCP flows subject to token bucket marking at the network edge and preferential dropping in the core network. The service class adds admission control functionality and a model for multi-RED queue management to the token bucket marker. The difficulty of parameterizing the mechanisms is discussed and analyzed in an explorative simulation study. A set of configuration parameters that enables a successful operation of the service class is identified and the achievable service provisioning is shown.

One-Way-Delay Measurements with CM Toolset

Internet Quality of Service (QoS) is an actual research topic. The need for more or less guaranteed transmission rates (e.g. for bulk-data transfer applications), upper bounds for transmission delay and jitter (e.g. for real time applications like IP telephony, video-conferencing) stimulated the development of QoS transmission technologies like ATM, IP-RSVP and the actual discussion about Diff-Serv mechanisms.

This paper describes the implementation and the first measurement trials with the One-Way-Delay measurement components of CM-Toolset.
The overall tool architecture consists of a distributed system of load generators and receivers (agents) and a measurement server, which stores the measurement results in a data-base. To measure the
exact One-Way-Delay (OWD) the synchronised GPS clock system was integrated. The measurements were realised in a 4 hop heterogeneous IP and ATM network. The clock drift during the loop measurements was about 10ms, linear and deterministic. So the drift could be eliminated by statistical computations. The measurements were made for UDP flows under different load situations (1 UDP … 5 UDP, TSDU
size, interarrival time), and for n*UDP + 1 TCP. The measurements show very clearly the interaction and dependencies between the number of flows, their load parameters and the QoS parameters like packet loss and one way delay. The measurements of UDP+TCP multiplexed flows explains, why the concept of flow separation is important for QoS guarantees. CM Toolset can be used by protocolengineers for the development of new QoS-based network technologies by collecting measurement data for modelling the network behaviour. Network managers can tune the operational network to improve the quality e.g. of IP-Telephon.

Inferencing of inter-domain path characteristics based on active end-to-end QoS monitoring

In order to study QoS and SLAs in inter-domain environment, network tomography mechanisms could be applied to inference inter-domain network characteristics from end-to-end observations. QoS estimates can be used by Internet Service Providers and corporate users to evaluate and validate the QoS as provided by the Autonomous systems.

In this paper, a practical approach to inference statistical and model characteristics of inter-domain QoS based on active end-to-end QoS monitoring is discussed. The focus is a systematic approach for analysis of spatiotemporal composition of end-to-end QoS in interdomain evironment based on active QoS monitoring combined with estimation of “hidden” unobservable inter-domain QoS impacting the end-to-end traffic. In order to validate the inter-domain tomography approach for spatial composition of end-to-end application QoS, we establish an emulation environment which models realistic topologies and utilises real network traces.

We studied practical scenarios for estimating of spatial composition of emulated end-to-end VoIP traffic using the CM Toolset as active end-to-end QoS monitoring tool with integrated technologies for estimation of “hidden” unobservable spatial QoS of the end-to-end connection.

FEMroute – Consideration of gender-specific requirements for mobile services

So far the producers of mobility supporting systems have often used little more than fancy packaging and design to reach out to female customers. The underlying software solutions, however, usually have been remained unchanged. Female-specific factors in spatial perception and navigation were either not considered sufficiently, or not at all. This ignores studies that have shown gender-specific differences concerning orientation and strategies of path-finding. more

LIVE – Staging of Media Events

LIVE attempts to radically improve on the linear approach to TV broadcasting of live sporting events by delivering digital technologies and content formats that enable viewers to shape their own personal and highly interactive viewing experience. more

IKS – Building an interactive knowledge stack for CMS platforms

Open source stack for knowledge management, broadening the reach of semantic CMS technology, and collaboration and software development hub for the semantic CMS community. more

PRISM – PRIvacy-aware Secure Monitoring

Passive monitoring of communication networks is relevant for running these networks and the detection of cyber attacks. The PRISM project developed a two-tier privacy-compliant integrated monitoring architecture. more

sTC-net – Subsidiary Traffic Control Network

Traffic Control using Example-based Modelling more

iCARDEA – An Intelligent Platform for Personalized Remote Monitoring of the Cardiac Patients with Electronic Implant Devices

The iCARDEA Project develops an intelligent platform to automate and personalise the fol-low-up of the cardiac patients with implantable devices. more

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria