
From Data to Value: Optimised sports experiences and health-promoting technologies Exercise is the key to health: With the help of ever smaller and digitally linked sensors and smart textiles, meaningful movement data are generated, which provide professional and recreational athletes as well as people in prevention and rehabilitation measures with immediate feedback on their movement. Digital assistance systems can use this data to provide support, advice and movement incentives. Salzburg Research is researching and developing digital technologies and services in order to better understand people's movement behaviour, optimise sports experiences, promote health or support people in their everyday lives.

From Data to Value: Agile and resilient solutions for businesses Digitisation, the Internet of Things (IoT) and trends such as increasing mobility and individualisation as well as the ecological footprint are changing the work environment: technological support for people, collaborative manufacturing processes, smart logistics, digital twins and connectivity are shaping the business world of the future. Salzburg Research is researching and developing digital technologies and services for companies in order to better understand and use data and movement behaviour, to design agile systems and sustainable business models and to optimise processes, products and facilities.

From Data to Value: Sustainable solutions in public spaces The world around us is characterised by an increasing variety of mobility opportunities. Trends such as individualisation, networking, urbanisation or the ecological footprint influence the way people, things and goods move. This has a major impact on services, infrastructure and the shaping of the environment. Salzburg Research is researching and developing digital technologies and services in order to better understand movement, to link future technologies with existing mobility systems and thereby enhance them, and to promote sustainability in the public space.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria