From Research to Enterprise
Contract research for industry and public authorities



Success Storys

Our Success Stories

Operational data collection in winter service: Content-technical advice for procurement and implementation

Salzburg Research supported the state of Styria in the tendering, procurement, and implementation of a telematics-supported operational data collection system for winter services.


Assessment Of The Quality Of Cycling Infrastructures

For the targeted further expansion of the cycle paths in an Austrian state capital, Salzburg Research determined an objective data-based assessment in order to identify those areas with the greatest need for action.


Visitor management in tourism in Salzburg

Data-based visitor flow analyses are the basis for smart steering measures in tourism. Salzburg Research is creating a system for the automatic monitoring of movement flows in Salzburg’s Old Town and is developing, simulating and evaluating incentive systems for targeted visitor guidance measures.


Does the Software Keep what it Promises? Independent Stress Test for Complex Requirements

Decision support before purchasing new software: Realistic simulation and measurement of how the software copes with the expected load and what effects the application has on the network infrastructure.


Mobile gait analysis in everyday life for prosthesis users

Salzburg Research entwickelte im Auftrag des Prothesenherstellers Saphenus Medical Technology ein mobiles System zur Erfassung der Kontaktzeitdifferenz während des alltäglichen Gangs, um Prothesenträger:innen in der Rehabilitation zu unterstützen.


Optimized Sports Experiences through Body Sensor Networks

Sport is about efficient execution of movement for encouragement. In order to support this digitally with the help of sensors, Salzburg Research and partners developed the “SensorHub”, a distributed sensor platform for setting up so-called Body Sensor Networks.




Why you should work with us

  • Expertise: We are experts in motion data intelligence and the digitalisation of the Internet of Things.
  • Experience: More than 700 successfully completed research and innovation projects in the last 25 years are testimony to our quality and professionalism.
  • Independence: We are non-profit, vendor-neutral and thus act independently.
  • Teamwork: More than 70 creative, motivated and inspired employees with interdisciplinary expertise take care of your concerns.
  • We focus on your concerns!

Clients who work with us

  • improve their competitiveness with our well-founded, provider-neutral and interdisciplinary knowledge
  • have greater investment security through data-based decision-making, acceleration of the product roadmap and shortening of time-to-market
  • strengthen their agility through data-based business model, product and service innovations
  • take advantage of digital opportunities that new market requirements bring with them
  • reduce their research risks and thus costs through pre-competitive collaboration

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria