emteba – Emerging Technology Base
The emteba knowledge base addresses users and experts in emerging technology fields. The aim of the emteba platform is to boost the visibility of projects in these areas and contribute to the emerging web of linked data.

The emteba knowledge base addresses users and experts in the following emerging technology fields:
- Embedded Systems
- Semantic Systems
- Systems on Chip
- Trust in IT Systems
- Visual Computing
- Computational Mathematics
The aim of the emteba platform is to boost the visibility of projects in these areas and contribute to the emerging web of linked data.
This means that information about organisations, actors, projects, etc. is represented in an interoperable and machine-readable format. emteba is the social tool to co-creating this information in order to determine the appearance of information that you want to be associated with.
That being said, we aim to trigger interest of a wider user audience that is interested in the emergence of leading edge research.
emteba makes use of advanced technologies in order to facilitate finding exactly the kind of information you are looking for. A sophisticated search helps you to find not only information elements but also how they relate to each other.
Being initially funded by the FIT-IT program (managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)), the repository currently contains mostly projects and actors that are part of the FIT-IT program. However, the aim is to feature information (projects, actors, etc.) submitted by registered users that hit one of the six themes and have an Austrian relationship (one project partner being Austrian, for example).