BMK - Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

Common projects

DiMo-NEXT – Next Level of Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness and Well-being

Next level of digital movement: Facilitating behaviour change and improving the experience of physical activity, sports performance and overall wellbeing through behavioural psychology, movement data analytics, sustainable materials and sensor technology.


TeleCareHub – Platform for technology-supported care and support for people with dementia living at home

In the TeleCareHub, a platform is to be created through which various stakeholders, but above all family caregivers of dementia patients, can gain better access to support.

more – Ideas for the Mobility of Tomorrow

Mobility laboratory „“ assists research and innovation drivers in the development of their potential, and aims to initiate and help new projects.


GReVity –

Rebound effects are an increasing challenge in the areas of environmental, energy and resource management. The GReVity project is developing measures to counteract the rebound effect in virtual mobility. Acceptance and relevance analyses are carried out in order to develop recommendations for action and thus counteract rebound effects in the best possible way.


PowerTeams – Collaborative engineering of smart grid applications

Collaborative and partially automated engineering of Smart Grid applications along the entire life cycle.


i-Twin – Semantic Integration Patterns for Data-driven Digital Twins in the Manufacturing Industry

i-Twin investigates interoperability concepts for data-driven digital twins in the manufacturing industry. The project propagates an open source middleware for the integration of operational management systems and connected assets based on semantic integration pat-terns. It aims at reducing the integration effort and allowing exchange of master data and operational data in manufacturing networks. The results are validated in a research laboratory set-up and in an industrial asset management scenario.


RADBEST – Cycling guidance in confined road conditions

A transnational consortium led by Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft is investigating in objective safety and the subjective perception of safety and is developing evidence-based recommendations for the future planning of cycling infrastructure at bottlenecks.


KOMOA – Concept Study for a Mobility Observatory Austria

Mobility data is playing an increasingly important role in the development of strategies and the planning of measures. In KOMOA, a concept study is being developed for the inclusion of different data bases for the comprehensive and timely provision of situation reports on mobility in Austria.


R2C2 – Reconfigurable Real-time Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems

Dynamically reconfigurable software-defined real-time networks with AI support more

EMBS – Energy Management Building Set

The EMBS project develops an innovative, integrated control and planning system for demand-response and optimization of multi-utility/-energy devices and installations. more

MMAssist II

Assistance systems in production in the context of human – machine cooperation more

MESSE – Model-based Engineering and Validation Support for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

The massive deployment of distributed generators from renewable sources in recent years has led to a fundamental paradigm change in terms of planning and operation of the electric power system. MESSE develops of a concept for a model-based engineering and validation support system, covering the overall engineering process for smart grid applications – from use case design to validation and deployment. more

Callia – smart grid management approach

Development and demonstation of a new smart grid management approach based on the know-how and experiences of multiple regional R&D and demonstration projects. more


OptiFCD calculates, visualizes and interprets necessary FCD penetration rates for the Austrian freeway network. more

OPOSSUM – Open Flow based system for multi Energy Domain

OPOSSUM provides a Software-defined Networking infrastructure for multiple domains in a heterogeneous telecom infrastructure. more


Study to explore new, innovative business models for smart production, with a focus on manufacturing companies. more


The objective of this project is to study the application of software-defined networking (SDN) approaches to real-time Ethernet (RTE) networks. more

ODAAL – Open Data AAL

Open and Big Data for AAL – A Study of the Potential for the Use of Open Data for AAL Topics. more

IoT4Industry – Secure, Privacy-preserving Agents for the Industrial Internet

In order to benefit from the emerging Industrial Internet, manufacturing companies will have to adapt their current automation infrastructure. more


The CarSense project surveys, tests and assesses different existing and probably upcoming vehicle sensor technologies as potential data sources for road operators.


CONFIDENCE – Mobility Safeguarding Assistance Service for People with Dementia

The CONFIDENCE project aims at providing mobility and safeguarding assistance services to people suffer from mild to moderate forms of dementia. It intends to develop a novel community-enabled mobility safeguarding assistance service that combines “assistive technologies” with “personal help”. more

OFSE_Grid – Open Flow Secure Grid

The potential of Open Flow for becoming a next generation Smart Grid communication infrastructure will be explored. Both the energy domain and the classical IP networking get their own router stack sharing the physical and L2-VPN layer. The project analyses the relevance of the scientific open questions, evaluates the modelling methods and performs validations with a rapid prototype. more


According to international studies 5 – 25 % of all patients with limited mobility (slow-goes and no-goes) are affected by bedsore (lat. decubitus). For prophylaxis and treatment of decubitus, a system will be developed, capable on the one hand to actively involve people with high decubitus risk in decubitus prophylaxis, and which on the other hand eases the encouragement of high risk patients by professional caregivers.  more

PIK – Patient transport management in a crisis

PIK supports emergency response organizations in crisis situations providing automated disposition support of operating resources and to automatize communication with hospitals. more

SNML-TNG: Salzburg NewMediaLab – The Next Generation

Research on the socio-economic and the technological level in the fields of Social Computing, Social Media & Enterprise 2.0, Semantic Web & Linked Data, and Multimedia Annotations. more

ServicePLAN+ – dynamic vehicle disposition in the service-industry

In the project ServicePLAN+ a pilot system will be developed and evaluated to calculate inter-modal tours that support dynamic vehicle disposition in the service-industry. more

SUEHC – Securing Urban Extramural Health Care

Optimising and securing the delivery of mobile care services in urban as well as in rural areas in case of catastrophes (for example, in case of flooding). SUEHC examines the critical infrastructure for possible disruptive figures. more

SafeMotion – integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia

The project “SafeMotion” will develop and evaluate a new, integrated mobility safeguarding assistance system for patients suffering from dementia with “medium severity”. The goal is to adapt the system for the needs of the patients as well as their immediate surrounding by using an adaptive rule based system so that the best possible support is provided in everyday situations. The cornerstones of this concept are: complete integration of system components into everyday objects, a minimal configuration overhead, and highest reliability of alarms in a distress situations. more

STEP – online measurements for dispatching of waste disposal vehicles

In STEP, a prototype of a planning system will be developed and that uses online measurements from waste containers for the dispatching of waste disposal vehicles. Waste container measurements such as fill-level and temperature will be integrated into a mathematical planning-procedure to calculate and visualize optimal routes for daily, demand-driven waste disposal using large containers. more

iMedication – a Rule-based Expert Network for Intelligent Medication

Safe medication is a growing concern in the health sector. Doctors are no longer able to keep abreast of the steadily growing amount of drugs and their potential for unintended interactions and adverse drug events (ADE). more

ROFCO – Robust Facility Communication

ICT Infrastructures for in-house communications more

ways2navigate – navigation for pedestrians

The aim of ways2navigate is to close effectively information deficit of pedestrians with novel navigation technologies. The project studies with the help of iterative user experiments which conditions and which target groups are suitable for digital map, language and Augmented Reality technology in order to support pedestrians in an urban environment. more

sTC-net – Subsidiary Traffic Control Network

Traffic Control using Example-based Modelling more

(e-)Accessibility Watch

With the BarrierefreiheitsChecks accessibility test, tourism providers can find out in a mere five minutes whether their facility is handicapped accessible and what further opportunities and potentials accessible tourism offers for them. In addition, we developed a certification system for the accessibility of accommodation providers. more

ICT-enhanced Equipment Prototyping and Testing

The sporting goods industry often doesn’t gather client and user feedback in a systematic way. Through structuring and electronic processing of the gathered data, this project tries to bridge that gap. The results obtained from this process can be used for future strategic decisions in the field of product development. more

FEMroute – Consideration of gender-specific requirements for mobile services

So far the producers of mobility supporting systems have often used little more than fancy packaging and design to reach out to female customers. The underlying software solutions, however, usually have been remained unchanged. Female-specific factors in spatial perception and navigation were either not considered sufficiently, or not at all. This ignores studies that have shown gender-specific differences concerning orientation and strategies of path-finding. more

emteba – Emerging Technology Base

The emteba knowledge base addresses users and experts in emerging technology fields. The aim of the emteba platform is to boost the visibility of projects in these areas and contribute to the emerging web of linked data. more

sAssist – mobile assistive systems for the elderly

Study to evaluate the potential and acceptance of mobile assistive systems for the elderly

i-busuu – Language learning on a online social community platform

Innovative solutions for language learning in an online social community more

SemWay – Semantics for Navigation Systems

SemWay aims at developing a methodology and models for building semantically enriched navigation systems. more

CaR Connect and Rescue

A software prototype for the connection of the IT of the field forces to existing in-house IT-Security systems more

ways2know – An innovative tool for knowledge management of ways2go

Assessment of feasibility of a knowledge management tool more

FLOW – Dynamical Fleet Scheduling

Design and evaluate a service architecture to utilize real-time traffic information for dynamical fleet scheduling. more

TPA – Route Scheduling for Field Staff

The software prototype enables a significant efficiency increase in route scheduling. It is tailored to meet the requirements of field staff, especially for small and medium-sized companies. more

InterEVENT – Study and pilot demonstration for traffic management at major events

InterEVENT is a pilot study with the goal of supporting traffic management for major events with clearly defined event sites and time frames. more

ASKI – The autarkic Ski

The scientifi c aim of the project is to develop an innovative integrated framework and tool for modelling the energy and communication processes in networked embedded systems. more

GUSTAV – Mobile disaster documentation and online disaster management

Future GALILEO application for disaster management more

SANDY – Synchronised Access Networks for Distributed real-time sYstems

Software architecture for optimising time-sensitive data transmission via the Internet. more

Open-Spirit – Study and Pilot-Demonstration of intermodal/interoperable Traveller-Information-Technologies

Innovation, pilot and demonstration study in the domain of intermodal passenger transport management more

EMIP – Embedded Monitoring in IP Networks

The EMIP project offers special lectures, labs and project work for a limited number of students at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg (FH Salzburg); full time practical project with Salzburg Research (ANC) more

Vienna-SPIRIT – Intelligent Transport Planning

A real-time travel information system eases the change to public transport more

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria