InterEVENT – Study and pilot demonstration for traffic management at major events
InterEVENT is a pilot study with the goal of supporting traffic management for major events with clearly defined event sites and time frames.

InterEVENT is a pilot study with the goal of supporting traffic management for major events with clearly defined event sites and time frames. During the project, concepts and solutions in the following subject areas are developed:
- Traffic planning for big events
- Control and management of traffic flow during events
- Optimisation of arrival and departure of event guests
The presumably most significant innovation of InterEVENT lies in the definition of a generic process model, which describes in a formalised way the necessary steps for planning and execution of traffic management for events. The whole process will be based on digital geographic data, which will be acquired during the planning phase of the event. This allows for using one integrated, intermodal traffic model for planning, execution and wrap-up of the event’s traffic management.
A well balanced network of partners including research organisations in the field of geo-information and communication technologies, consultants for traffic planning and simulation, an interest group representing road users, an event organiser and public authorities will contribute to InterEVENT.
InterEVENT will generate the following results:
- Generic and formalised process model for modelling traffic concepts for events
- Generic data model for modelling intermodal transport networks for events
- Realistic simulation and real-time models based on the modelling of the local event situation with geographical information systems
- Interfaces for integrating real-time traffic information in the event model
- Simulation of intermodal traffic flows on basis of the digital traffic model in order to gain recommendations for traffic control
- Information platform for delivering real-time travel information to event guests during arrival and departure