Callia – smart grid management approach
Development and demonstation of a new smart grid management approach based on the know-how and experiences of multiple regional R&D and demonstration projects.

In order to achieve Europe’s energy targets, the enablement of grid-safe integration of RES and storage at all voltage levels is one of the major challenges. In the Callia project, the know-how and experiences from multiple regional R&D and demonstration projects are combined to develop and pilot a grid management approach based on local DSO area balancing, implementation of agent-based RES/storage components, improved DSO-TSO coordination, and inter-DSO interconnection points. The latter reduces the strain on TSO-DSO connection points and limits losses by enabling the balancing of local production and consumption in adjacent regions without the need of crossing all voltage levels in an up-horizontal-down trajectory. The project results will be validated both in co-simulations and a pilot of the RES-DSO-TSO interfaces. Salzburg Research contributes to this project by coordinating the Austrian activities to this European project and through the development of new ICT components in particular for energy trading communication and DSO-RES control.