DigiCULT Forum – The Technology-Watchdog for European Cultural Heritage
Monitoring of digital Technologies with Relevance to the Cultural Heritage Sector.

DigiCULT regularly monitors digital technologies that are or could become central to the cultural sector. A European network of experts is evaluating these technologies in terms of their relevance to the sector through the means of expert panels and case studies. To promote the use of technologies seven thematic issues, three thematic reports, and a newsletter are to be produced and disseminated internationally.
Digital Culture Forum (DigiCULT Forum) is a Support Measure (IST-2001-34898) to establish a regular technology watch for cultural and scientific heritage over the period of 30 months.
DigiCULT Forum draws on the results of the strategic study “Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow?s Cultural Economy – DigiCULT” that was initiated by the European Commission, DG Information Society (Unit D2: Cultural Heritage Applications) in 2000 and finished at the end of 2001. This study covers several areas of interest (national policies & initiatives, organisational change, exploitation, and ICT) and formulates a series of recommendations. In particular, it provides a roadmap of how cultural heritage technologies will or could develop in the near future (until 2006).
Building on the knowledge and expertise of a pool of approx. 50 cultural heritage experts, DigiCULT Forum will thoroughly discuss and analyse current and future trends in several technology domains that have been identified as key areas during the DigiCULT study. DigiCULT Forum will also function as stimulus for enhanced future R&D in/for the cultural heritage sector.
In order to facilitate early take up of new issues, the results and recommendations of DigiCULT Forum will be actively disseminated and distributed to the relevant target groups in all of Europe. The DigiCULT Forum products will include: Technology Watch Reports, Thematic Issues and Newsletters.