- John Pereira et.al. (2004): DigiCULT.Info VIII. DigiCULT Newsletter
- Guntram Geser, Andrea Mulrenin (2004): Are small heritage institutions ready for e-culture? In: Proceedings of ICHIM Berlin 04. Digital Culture and Heritage (CD-ROM), September 2004
- Bob Mulrenin et.al. (2004): Visual Contextualisation of Digital Content through an ontology as basis for E-learning in the humanities In: DRH2004 Digital Resources for the Humanities, September 2004. Newcastle, England
- Motti Benari et. al. (2004): The Intertextual Thread: A new Cultural Unit in Hypertext In: Leonardo Electronic Almanac vol. 12, no. 9, September 2004, ISSN #1071-4391
- Wolfgang Maass, Sunil Goyal, Wernher Behrendt (2004): Knowledge Content Objects and a Knowledge Content Carrier Infrastructure for ambient knowledge and media aware content systems In: EWIMT workshop "Content, user and network aware media engineering"
- Sven Leitinger (2004): Digitale Helfershelfer. Geographische Informationssysteme als Hilfsmittel in Notfallsituationen In: NOEO 3/2004
- Renate Steinmann (2004): Wenn Ihr Haus einer Umfahrungsstraße weichen soll … Optimierter Dialog zwischen Planung und Betroffenen durch geographische Informationssysteme (GIS) In: NOEO 3/2004
- Erich Gams and Siegfried Reich (2004): Analysis of applicability of trails in web applications In: International Workshop on Web Engineering in conjunction with ACM
- Erich Gams and Siegfried Reich (2004): Following your colleagues footprints: Navigation support with trails in shared directories In: Proceedings of the 04 ACM Conference on Hypertext, August 9-13, Santa Cruz, California, USA
- Siegfried Reich et.al. (2004): Web engineering – old wine in new bottles? In: International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), Munich 2004, LNCS 3240, pp. 6?12
- Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthaler (2004): RDF Gravity Freeware, Java Applikation, RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologies
- Renate Steinmann, Alenka Krek, Thomas Blaschke (2004): Analysis of Online Public Participatory GIS Applications with Respect to the Differences between the US and Europe In: UDMS 2004, 24th Urban Data Management Symposium. Chioggia, Italy
- Sven Leitinger (2004): Comparision of GIS-based Public Safety Systems for Emergency Management In: UDMS 2004, 24th Urban Data Management Symposium. Venice, Italy
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2004): DigiCULT Thematic Issue VI. Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector
- John Pereira (2004): Introduction In: DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6: Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector, June 2004, pp. 5-6
- Guntram Geser (2004): Resource Discovery – Position Paper: Putting the Users First In: DigiCULT Thematic Issue 6: Resource Discovery for the Heritage Sector. June 2004, pp. 7-12
- Steve Elliot, Kim Viborg Andersen, Eileen Trauth, Siegfried Reich (Ed.) (2004): Multi-Disciplinary Solutions to Industry & Government’s E-Business Challenges. In: Trauner Verlag, Schriftenreihe für Informatik, Band 11
- Christian Schober (2004): Distributed Real-Time Applications. Diploma Thesis: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and Technologies
- Alenka Krek (2004): Economic Benefit of Using Location Based Services. In: Proceedings of IFIP WG8.4 Working Conference 2004, Salzburg, Austria
- Bob Mulrenin (2004): Contextualisation In: Workshop "European Cultural Heritage: RTD Challenges Ahead", 28 Mai 2004
- Heinz Mayringer (2004): Aber wir haben doch irgendwo … Wissensmanagement im Unternehmen. In: NOEO 2/2004
- Martin Herfurt (2004): WLAN: Weltweites Lauschen An Netzwerken. In: NOEO 2/2004
- John Pereira et.al. (2004): DigiCULT.Info VII. DigiCULT Newsletter
- Alenka Krek (2004): Requirements for an Efficient Value Pricing of Geoinformation. In: AGILE 2004, 7th Conference on Geographic Information Science. Heraklion, Crete University Press
- Wernher Behrendt, Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthaler (2004): METOKIS – Towards a Seamless Content and Knowledge Exchange Infrastructure. In: WIAMIS 2004, 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, April 21-23, 2004, Lisboa, Portugal
- Martin Herfurt (2004): Bluesnarfing @ CeBIT 2004. Detecting and Attacking bluetooth-enabled Cellphones at the Hannover Fairground
- M. Bartoli, F. Baumgartner, Christof Brandauer, T. Braun, S. Kardos, F. Orlandi, M. Scheidegger, J. Seger (2004): The INTERMON Simulation Framework. In: Inter-domain Performance and Simulation Workshop, Budapest, March 2004
- Ulrich Hofmann (2004): Inter-Domain pattern analysis In: Inter-domain Performance and Simulation Workshop, Budapest, March 2004
- Ulrich Hofmann, Ilka Miloucheva, Thomas Pfeiffenberger, Felix Strohmeier (2004): Active Monitoring Toolkit for Long-term QoS Analysis in Large Scale Internet In: Inter-domain Performance and Simulation Workshop, Budapest, March 2004
- DigiCULT Forum (2004): DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 2. Emerging Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector
- Mara R. Wade, Guntram Geser, John Pereira (2004): Digital Collections and the Management of Knowledge: Renaissance Emblem Literature as a Case Study for the Digitization of Rare Texts and Images
- Stefan Bruntsch, Birgit Löcker, Günther Niedoba, Karl Rehrl, Günther Strauss, Andrea Stütz (2004): Vienna-SPIRIT – Intermodale Reiseinformation als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren städtischen und regionalen Verkehrsentwicklung. In: CORP 2004
- Guntram Geser, John Pereira (2004): Foreword, or: Vivitur ingenio, caetera mortis erunt In: Wade, Mara R., Geser, Guntram, Pereira, John (DigiCULT Special Publication, eds.): Digital Collections and the Management of Knowledge: Renaissance Emblem Literature as a Case Study for the Digitization of Rare Texts and Images, p.7.8
- Tobias Berka, Manuela Plößnig (2004): Designing Recommender Systems for Tourism. In: ENTER 2004, Kairo
- Martin Herfurt (2004): Agenten im Einsatz. Die Matrix lebt. In: NOEO 1/2004
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2004): DigiCULT Thematic Issue V. Virtual Communities and Collaboration in the Heritage Sector
- Alenka Krek (2004): Cost in GI Product Transaction. Role of Institutions, Electronic Networks and Metadata In: GIM International, The Worldwide Magazine for Geomatics. January 2004, Volume 187, Number 1, GITC publications, The Netherlands
- Ulrich Hofmann, Ilka Miloucheva, Thomas Pfeiffenberger (2004): INTERMON – Complex QoS/SLA analysis in large scale Internet. In: WISICT 2004, Cancun Mexico, January 2004
- Karl Rehrl, Harald Rieser, Stefan Bruntsch (2004): Vienna-SPIRIT: Situationsbezogene, integrierte Reiseunterstützung für intermodale Reisen In: Beiträge zu den Münsteraner GI-Tagen, IfGIprints, Band 22
- John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info VI. DigiCULT Newsletter.
- Josef M. Sturm, Siegfried Reich (2003): Barrierefreies Internet. In: NOEO 4/2003, S. 12-15
- Salzburg Research (2003): Netd@ys Austria 2003 [DVD]
- Alenka Krek (2003): Key reduction in transaction cost. In: Lemmens M.: Geo-Information Engineering, Changing Technology in a Changing Society. GITC publications, The Netherlands
- Gerti Kappel, Birgit Pröll, Siegfried Reich, Werner Retschitzegger (Hg.) (2003): Web Engineering. Systematische Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen
- John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info V. DigiCULT Newsletter.
- Ulrich Hofmann, Christof Brandauer (2003): INTERMON – Advanced Architecture for Inter-Domain Quality of Service Monitoring, Modelling and Visualisation. In: ERCIM News No. 55, October 2003, p. 35-36
- Alexander Thimm (2003): Erosionsmodellierung in SE-China. In: UNIGIS Offline 16(3/03): 3.
- Wernher Behrendt, Guntram Geser, Andrea Mulrenin (2003): EP 2010:The Future of Research into Publishing, Content and Knowledge Technologies for the Knowledge Economy. Summary Report and Dossiers, Luxembourg, September 2003
- Nikos Karousos, Ippokratis Pandis, Manolis Tzagarakis, Siegfried Reich (2003): Offering open hypermedia services to the WWW. A step-by-step approach for developers. In: Proceedings WWW9, Budapest 2003, pages 482-489
- Siegfried Reich, Karl Rehrl, Harald Rieser, Ulrich Hofmann et.al. (2003): Die Sandwich-Software. Middleware als Forschungsgegenstand. In: NOEO 3/2003, S. 6-10