- Birgit Retsch, Guntram Geser (2003): Lara Croft auf Hohensalzburg Kulturerbe aus der Spielkonsole In: NOEO 3/2003, S. 20-23
- John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info IV DigiCULT Newsletter
- Karl Rehrl, Harald Rieser, Siegfried Reich (2003): Next Generation Public Travel Information Systems In: ERCIM News No. 54, July 2003, p. 48-49
- Alenka Krek (2003): What is spatial about geographic data? White paper In: ETIS-Agent project, IST Sustainable Development Programme, June 2003
- Karl Rehrl, Wernher Behrendt, Manfred Bortenschlager, Siegfried Reich, Harald Rieser, Rupert Westenthaler (2003): Asomnia: A Service-Oriented Middleware for Ambient Information Access In: DEXA 2003
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2003): DigiCULT Thematic Issue III Towards a Semantic Web for Heritage Resources
- Alenka Krek (2003): What are transaction costs and why do they matter? In: Proceedings of 6th AGILE 2003, Lyon, April 24-27, Lyon, France
- Wernher Behrendt (2003): Vom Dickicht der Dokumente ins Netz der Bedeutungen Das Semantische Web In: NOEO 2/2003, S. 12-16
- Georg Güntner (2003): Stütze für regionales Kulturerbe Digitale Servicezentren unterstützen Kulturinstitutionen In: NOEO 2/2003, S. 30-35
- Tobias Berka (2003): A Categorical Model for Context
- Andrea Mulrenin, Mark Markus, Birgit Retsch (2003): Digital Cultural Heritage Networks. Survey conducted for the Council of Europe.
- DigiCULT Forum (2003): DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 1 New Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector
- Marek Dabrowski, Felix Strohmeier (2003): Measurement-Based Admission Control in the AQUILA Network and Improvements by Passive Measurements In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Architectures for Quality of Service in the Internet. Art-QoS 2003, Warsaw, Poland, March 24-25, 2003.
- Christof Brandauer, Peter Dorfinger (2003): An implementation of a service class providing assured TCP rates within the AQUILA framework In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Architectures for Quality of Service in the Internet (Art-QoS), pages 203-217, March 2003
- Alenka Krek (2003): Key Reduction in Transaction Costs. Invited reply In: GIM International, The Worldwide Magazine for Geomatics. February 2003, Volume 17, Number 2, GITC bv, The Netherlands
- Thomas Pfeiffenberger, Ilka Miloucheva, Ulrich Hofmann, Ali Nassri (2003): Inferencing of inter-domain path characteristics based on active end-to-end QoS monitoring scenario studies in emulation environment In: IPS Workshop Salzburg Austria, February 2003
- Salzburg Research (2003): Netd@ys Austria 98 02 Broschüre: Fünf Jahre Netdays Austria
- John Pereira et.al. (2003): DigiCULT.Info III DigiCULT Newsletter
- Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2003): Wider den Datenkater Wie mittels virtueller Spuren digitales Kopfweh vermieden werden kann In: NOEO 01/2003, p. 31-34
- Guntram Geser et.al. (2003): DigiCULT Thematic Issue IV. Learning Objects from Cultural and Scientific Heritage Resources
- Erich Gams, Tobias Berka, Siegfried Reich (2002): The TrailTRECer Framework A Platform for Trail-Enabled Recommender Applications In: Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications,DEXA 2002
- Guntram Geser, Michael Steemson et.al. (2002): DigiCULT Thematic Issue II Digital Asset Management Systems for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector
- Birgit Retsch, Andrea Mulrenin (2002): Digitales Zeitalter bedroht kulturelles Gedächtnis Salzburg Research präsentiert Ergebnisse des 1. DigiCULT Forums in Barcelona In: NOEO 3/2002, p. 34-37
- Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): The TrailTRECer Framework Applying Open Hypermedia Concepts to Trails In: J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) ?02, Special Issue for the Pre-Conference Workshop on Hypertext and Hypermedia at the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management I-KNOW
- Peter Dorfinger, Christof Brandauer, Ulrich Hofmann (2002): A rate controller for long-lived TCP flows In: Proceedings of the Joint International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Protocols for Multimedia Systems (IDMS/PROMS), 2002, pages 154-165, November 2002.
- Karl Rehrl (2002): Auf Stütze – Jakarta Struts Hilfe für komplexe Webanwendungen In: iX - Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik, Ausgabe 11/2002, S. 130f
- Sven Leitinger (2002): Geoinformationssystemgestützte Einsatzleitsysteme im internationalen Vergleich. Diplomarbeit am Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung, Universität Graz
- Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): The TrailTRECer framework Applying Open Hypermedia Concepts to Trails In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, number 10, volume 8, pages 913-923
- Ulrich Hofmann, Ilka Miloucheva, Thomas Pfeiffenberger, Felix Strohmeier (2002): Evaluation of architectures for QoS analysis of applications in Internet environment In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Monterey, California, October 3-6, 2002
- John Pereira et.al. (2002): DigiCULT.Info II DigiCULT Newsletter
- Zepp, H., Zhang, B. Thimm, A. Jing, Y. and Gao, C. (2002): Physische Geographie und Nachhaltigkeit. Landschaftsökologische Untersuchungen im subtropischen China. In: geographie heute, 200: 16-19
- Christof Brandauer et.al. (2002): AC Algorithms in AQUILA QoS IP Network In: Proceedings of the Second Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, September 2002
- Gerti Kappel, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, Siegfried Reich (2002): Web Engineering – Eine Neuauflage der Software Krise? In: A Min Tjoa Work, pages 67-87
- Tobias Berka, Wernher Behrendt, Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): A Trail Based Internet-Domain Recommender System using Artificial Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems, AH2002
- David Millard, Jörg Haake, Siegfried Reich (ed.) (2002): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems. Core Concepts & Research Directions. University of Maryland, June 12, 2002. FernUniversität Hagen, 2002. Informatik Berichte 295 - 8/2002
- Sunil Goyal, Wernher Behrendt, Siegfried Reich (2002): Emmos – enhanced multimedia meta objects for re-purposing of knowledge assets In: MIS
- Guntram Geser, Michael Steemson et.al. (2002): DigiCULT Thematic Issue I Integrity and Authenticity of Digital Cultural Heritage
- Tobias Berka, Wernher Behrendt, Erich Gams, Siegfried Reich (2002): Recommending Internet-domains using trails and neural networks In: In Proceedings of Adpative Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems, Malaga, Spain, LNCS 2374, pages 368-371, Berlin/Heidel-berg/New York, 2002. Springer.
- John Pereira et.al. (2002): DigiCULT.Info I DigiCULT Newsletter
- Alenka Krek (2002): An Agent-Based Model for Quantifying the Economic Value of Geographic Information PhD thesis, Institut for Geoinformation, Technical University Vienna
- Erich Gams, Christian Eichinger, Michael Hufnagl (2002): Web-based Publishing in the REGNET Project In: Proceedings of the Project Management Meeting, Regnet, EC-IST-200026336, 24-26 June 2002, ICCS-BAS, ISBN 954-9641-29-5
- (2002): Aufstieg und Fall der New Economy – was nun? Expertenrunde In: NOEO 02/2002, p. 10-13
- Siegfried Reich, Tobias Berka et.al. (2002): A market-based recommender system In: Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems, Bologna, Italy, pages 50-67
- Luciana Bordoni (2002): COVAX: an Internet Access to Libraries, Archives and Museums In: ERCIM News No. 49, April 2002, p. 47-48
- Georg Güntner (2002): COVAX – Europäischer Kulturkatalog im WWW In: NOEO 01/2002, p. 24-27
- Heinz Mayringer (2002): Check your Chances [Handbook + CD-ROM] Corporate Financing in the Growth Industries - Basics, Tools & Case Studies
- Ziva Ben-Porat, Wernher Behrendt, Siegfried Reich (2002): Organizing multimedia intertextual knowledge New tasks, challenges and technologies In: ALLC/ACH 2002. New Directions in Humanities Computing. The 14th Joint Intl. Conference, Tübingen 2002, pages 8-11
- Andrea Mulrenin and Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research, on behalf of the European Commission (2001): The DigiCULT Report Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow s Cultural Economy. Unlocking the Value of Cultural Heritage. [ENG/FRA/GER/ITA]
- Heinz Mayringer (2001): Check your Chances [CD-ROM] Corporate Financing in the Growth Industries - Basics, Tools & Case Studies
- Heinz Mayringer (2001): Finance in the Internet and Multimedia Industries A Company Survey