
Graffiti-Aktion Christian Doppler

So Cool Can be Physics: Graffiti Action to the Doppler Year

Christian Doppler

175 Years Doppler Effect


9th IT-Businesstalk: Digital Technologies as the future of companies

Digibus: österreichs erstes selbstfahrendes Fahrzeug

Test Austria’s First Self-Propelled Vehicle


Best Paper Award for CARIMO-System

9. IT-Businesstalk

9th IT-Businesstalk

Tag der offenen Science City

Day of the Open Science City


We are looking for: Intern (15-38.5 hrs/week) in Accounting and Human Resources


This was the first Mini Maker Faire


The Digibus is in Koppl


First Mini Maker Faire in Salzburg


We are looking for: Researcher – communication technologies


We are looking for: Researcher – ICT for energy systems

3D-Drucken bei den Maker Days

Current workshop offers for schools


Creative competition: Vibrations & waves for the Doppler effect

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria