Research Projects

DiMo-NEXT – Next Level of Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness and Well-being

Next level of digital movement: Facilitating behaviour change and improving the experience of physical activity, sports performance and overall wellbeing through behavioural psychology, movement data analytics, sustainable materials and sensor technology.

TeleCareHub – Platform for technology-supported care and support for people with dementia living at home

In the TeleCareHub, a platform is to be created through which various stakeholders, but above all family caregivers of dementia patients, can gain better access to support.


We want to build a truly empathic robot that will help older people remain healthy.


Smart textiles can protect firefighters from overheating.

Relax: Learning Agent for individualised Stress Management

A learning agent for stress multi-level diagnostics, personalised stress profiles and interventions in the work context.


SportSense aims at investigating the potential of sensor technology to determine motion-relevant parameters not only for alpine skiing and for running.

All projects (chronologically)

DiMo-NEXT – Next Level of Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness and Well-being

Next level of digital movement: Facilitating behaviour change and improving the experience of physical activity, sports performance and overall wellbeing through behavioural psychology, movement data analytics, sustainable materials and sensor technology.


We want to build a truly empathic robot that will help older people remain healthy.

TeleCareHub – Platform for technology-supported care and support for people with dementia living at home

In the TeleCareHub, a platform is to be created through which various stakeholders, but above all family caregivers of dementia patients, can gain better access to support.


Smart textiles can protect firefighters from overheating.

Relax: Learning Agent for individualised Stress Management

A learning agent for stress multi-level diagnostics, personalised stress profiles and interventions in the work context.

Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness & Well-being

DiMo focuses on human motion data analysis concentrating on assessing the quality of motion.

Aid2BeWell – AI-based Emotion Detection and Behaviour Change Robot Support System to Benefit Ageing Well

AID2BeWell is exploring the use of cutting-edge AI technology to develop a robot assistance system (ROSS) that recognises and responds to the mood of older people with Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) to support active and healthy ageing in their own homes.

MountAIn – The digital mountain for testing AI-based innovations for alpine outdoor activities.

Alpine innovation lab for AI-based innovations in alpine outdoor sports with analysis of human movements in mountain scenarios in real environments.

RoboGen: Gender-sensitive interaction with social robots

RoboGen develops a prototype with a learning agent, which makes gender-sensitive options accessible to all users via feedback from the users, thus enabling gender-sensitive human-robot interaction and a high degree of personalization.


Extendable/adaptable and affordable plug & play solution in order to make the technology-familiar baby boomer generation “fit(ter)” and “fit for the use” of assistive technologies.

POWER2DM – personalized Diabetes self-management support system

Development and validation of a personalized self-management support system for Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes patients.


Joint research activity (Veneto-Salzburg) in order to define, develop and test new “design concepts” of products and services for ageing people.


SportSense aims at investigating the potential of sensor technology to determine motion-relevant parameters not only for alpine skiing and for running.

CiM – Care in Movement

Empowering communities to provide care by combining smart technology and personal assistance to maintain mobility.

ZentrAAL – AAL pilot region Salzburg

Ambient Assisted Living pilot region in Salzburg.

Impetus – collaborative ICT based platform for late life depression

Late life depression often remains undiagnosed or gets diagnosed with significant delay.

ODAAL – Open Data AAL

Open and Big Data for AAL – A Study of the Potential for the Use of Open Data for AAL Topics.

CONFIDENCE – Mobility Safeguarding Assistance Service for People with Dementia

The CONFIDENCE project aims at providing mobility and safeguarding assistance services to people suffer from mild to moderate forms of dementia.

AAL Methods

Study: The integration of end users as a critical success factor for the development of AAL products and services.

IDIRA – Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions

System of technologies and guidelines for optimal resource planning and operations across national and organisational borders in case of disasters.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria