All projects (chronologically)

IdeaSpace – the idea platform of Salzburg Research

IdeaSpace is an open innovation platform where the creative community is encouraged to submit their ideas and solutions on various topics and issues.


We want to build a truly empathic robot that will help older people remain healthy.

OptiChargE – Optimised and automated charging management for battery electric bus fleets

The OptiChargE project is developing a data-driven optimisation of a charging management solution for battery-electric bus fleets.

SuCoLo – Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts

SuCoLo researches and develops solutions for sustainable, inclusive logistics in urban outskirts.

TeleCareHub – Platform for technology-supported care and support for people with dementia living at home

In the TeleCareHub, a platform is to be created through which various stakeholders, but above all family caregivers of dementia patients, can gain better access to support.

EDIH Crowd in Motion

The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) “Crowd in Motion” offers tailor-made consulting and innovation services for SMEs and the public sector for green and digital transformation in the tourism, sports and leisure industries.

PowerTeams – Collaborative engineering of smart grid applications

Collaborative and partially automated engineering of Smart Grid applications along the entire life cycle.

CE-PASS (Circular Economy – Digital Product Passport)

CE-PASS is an Austrian industrial research project addressing the issue of sustainability-aware automotive design for the Circular Economy.

DIEGO – Digital Energy Path for Planning and Operation of Sustainable Grid, Products and Society

Energy management and balancing of industrial processes, residential prosumers and e-mobility charging through real-time data exchange and control.

Relax: Learning Agent for individualised Stress Management

A learning agent for stress multi-level diagnostics, personalised stress profiles and interventions in the work context.

DyMoN – Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Shaping sustainable urban mobility behaviour with real-time, user-generated and public open data

The “DyMoN” project aims to enrich digital nudging methods with relevant data sources to motivate citizens for more sustainable mobility in cities.


GAMES will focus on how digitalisation could enable electric shared vehicle fleets to answer mobility needs while also creating new revenue streams by providing flexibility services for the electricity grid and energy communities.

RADBEST – Cycling guidance in confined road conditions

A transnational consortium led by Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft is investigating in objective safety and the subjective perception of safety and is developing evidence-based recommendations for the future planning of cycling infrastructure at bottlenecks.

i-Twin – Semantic Integration Patterns for Data-driven Digital Twins in the Manufacturing Industry

i-Twin investigates interoperability concepts for data-driven digital twins in the manufacturing industry.

ECOSINT – Energy Community System Integration

Consumption of energy within the framework of local energy communities (LECs for short).

CrossChargePoint – Integrated Multi-Energy Storages coupling the power network to the transportation sector

Planning, integration and operation of charging and refuelling infrastructures to supply e-mobility and the integration of charging and refuelling needs into energy management and regional value creation.

SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption

SHOW is the biggest and most holisitic ever real life CCAV (connected cooperative autonomous vehicle) urban demonstration initiative taking place in 20 cities across Europe.

HWS – Platform-based AI System for Human Motion Analysis to optimize Ergonomics of Hybrid Work Systems in Industry

HWS deals with the increasing levels of automation and the use of collaborative robots, making the shop floor a complex socio-technological system whose processes still need to be safe and secure for humans working in these environments.

Bike2CAV – Avoidance of cyclist collisions thanks to vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication

Development and validation of methods for the avoidance of cyclist collisions through vehicle-to-x communication.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria