SuCoLo – Fostering sustainable consumer behaviour with inclusive bicycle logistics infrastructure in urban outskirts
SuCoLo researches and develops solutions for sustainable, inclusive logistics in urban outskirts. It explores digital methods for sustainable behavior, the needs of citizens, the necessary infrastructure and database in terms of bicycle logistics, and inclusive and socially beneficial pick-up stations.

Urban outskirts can be brought closer to the 15-minute city ideal through the use of e-commerce and sustainable goods delivery and local pick-up options; however, urban outskirts are associated with high greenhouse gas emissions from car use and not inclusive neighbourhoods. The aim of this project is to provide a solid conceptual, methodological and empirical understanding of how to motivate sustainable consumer behaviour and deploy inclusive bicycle logistics in order to foster net-zero ways of delivery and pick-up of goods in urban outskirts. In SuCoLo, digital behaviour change methods necessary to encourage citizens to use sustainable logistics choices will be developed, building on psychological models of behaviour change. SuCoLo will explore the required infrastructure and other needs of citizens, logistics providers and e-shops within a smart urban bicycle logistics ecosystem, using community-centred and data-driven planning approaches with simulation models. Pick-up stations for ordered goods will be designed to serve also as social places for residents, with a focus on accessibility and inclusiveness. Using living lab methods and involving an advisory board, we will collaboratively design and test the novel concepts in Salzburg, Leipzig and Merano to promote sustainable, neighbourhood-centred and inclusive goods delivery and pick-up in urban fringe areas.
Salzburg Research is project coordinator and has the lead on digital behaviour change methods to motivate sustainable consumer choices in logistics.