peak.AR – Experience the intriguing panorama of the peaks surrounding you

Have you ever wondered “What is the name of that prominent peak over there?” – find the answer simply by taking a look through the camera of your iPhone or Android device.

Peak.AR V2.0 is now available for iPhone and Android!

The advanced segmentation and display algorithms show you all peak names without obstructing the marvelous panorama. Stagger even the greatest hiking buffs when showing off the fascinating panoramic view this application provides when standing on top of a mountain! The most prominent peaks within the chosen range are automatically selected in order to produce a clean and uncluttered image.

This app works on devices with a still camera and a magnetometer.

peak.AR on the iPhone demonstrates the augmented reality technology that was developed in the course of a recent research project. It is a very flexible tool that can be used to visualize any kind of geo-referenced data. At the same time it is the most intuitive way for interfacing with complex data from a user’s perspective – just point your Phone to some real world object and it will tell you everything it knows about it.

Imagine your own data being presented in a completely new, cool fashion. Right now, we are looking for cooperations with innovative companies to explore new application domains of this exciting technology.

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria