Mobile Augmented Geo Data Visualization Based on Open Street Map

Alexander Eri u, Harald Rieser, and Gerald Ostermayer (2011): Mobile Augmented Geo Data Visualization Based on Open Street Map

This paper describes an approach to a mobile (smart phone) augmented reality navigation system which is based on Open Street Map data. It analyzes the challenges which arise from creating such a system, such as missing topographic information, incorrect sensor data and other technological limitations. Where possible, di erent solutions are discussed and evaluated. It as well assesses the usefulness and accuracy of the whole approach on the basis of a prototype (on a Android powered device). The paper concludes with the insight that the accuracy, which can be achieved by such a system, is suffcient but not overall satisfactory. In certain scenarios the system might fail due to bad GPS reception or incorrect geo-data. These scenarios and sources of error are discussed separately. It as well shows that the visualization and the processing of large amounts of data are very challenging topics on a mobile platform, but yet solvable.

Keywords: augmented reality, open-gl, mobile, sensors, compass, gps, geo{data

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