Christina Kranzinger, Stefan Kranzinger, Eva Hollauf, Harald Rieser, Thomas Stöggl (2024): Skiing quality analysis of recreational skiers based on IMU data and self-assessment In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 24 December 2024 Sec. Sports Science, Technology and Engineering Volume 6 - 2024 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2024.1495176 .
Wolfgang Kremser, Christina Lena Groß, Sebastian Will, Raphael Pleß, Tiefengrabner Martin (2024): Towards Full-Body Motion Capture of Motorcyclists In Situ – A Validation Study and User Report In: Proceedings of the 15th International Motorcycle Conference
Schranz, Christoph; Kranzinger, Stefan and Moore, Stephanie (2024): Synthetic Data for Foot Strike Angle Estimation. In: Proceedings of the 12tInternational Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support. ISBN 978-989-758-719-1, pages 113-118.
Sebastian Mayr, Harald Rieser (2024): 5G-based Body Sensor Network for Real-Time Feedback in Running In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024).
Staudinger, Rupert, Wolfgang Kremser, Christoph Thorwartl, Hermann Schwameder (2024): Towards a Smart Luge that Measures Steering Input of the Rider In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, 206–10. Porto, Portugal: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2024.
Lukas Dommershausen (2024): Designing Social Features in Physical Activity Apps for Generation Z by Integrating Behavior Change Techniques and Persuasive System Design Principles. In: University of Salzburg: Thesis.
Severin Bernhart, Franziska Guth, Benjamin Poredos, Rainer Matischek, Thomas Herndl, Laura Buchner (2024): Warp Knitting and Custom Chip Design for Breathing Guidance Apparels In: ISEA 2024: The Engineering of Sport 15, Loughborough UK 8-11 July 2024: Conference Proceedings
Stefan Kranzinger, Christina Kranzinger, Aaron Martinez Alvarez, Thomas Stöggl (2024): Development of a simple algorithm to detect big air jumps and jumps during skiing In: PLoS ONE 19(7): e0307255.
Höschler, Lucas; Halmich, Christina; Schranz, Christoph; Fritz, Julian; Koelewijn, Anne; and Schwameder, Hermann (2024): TOWARDS REAL-TIME ASSESSMENT: WEARABLE-BASED ESTIMATION OF 3D KNEE KINETICS IN RUNNING AND THE INFLUENCE OF PREPROCESSING WORKFLOWS In: ISBS Proceedings Archive: Vol. 42: Iss. 1, Article 72.
Schranz, Christoph and Halmich, Christina and Mayr, Sebastian and Heib, Dominik P. J. (2024): Surrogate Modelling of Heartbeat Events for Improved J-peak Detection in BCG Using Deep Learning In: Frontiers in Network Physiology.
Christoph Thorwartl (2024): Sensor-Driven Examination of Alpine Ski Deflection: Lab and Snow Investigations. Dissertation: Univesität Salzburg.
Laura Buchner, Stephanie R. Moore, Thomas Finkenzeller, Günter Amesberger, Harald Rieser, Sabine Würth (2024): Influence of running on incidental and integral vitality and fatigue: An intensive longitudinal intervention in young Women’s daily life In: Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
Christoph Schranz, Sebastian Mayr, Severin Bernhart, Christina Halmich (2024): Nearest advocate: a novel event-based time delay estimation algorithm for multi-sensor time-series data synchronization In: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.
Severin Bernhart, Jannic Wälde, Otmar Schneider, Thomas Finkenzeller (2024): Textile Moisture Sensors for Estimating Sweat Evaporation Saturation in Fire Protective Clothing In: 2024 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON), Goa, India, 2024, pp. 1-4.
(): Validating Printed Sensors for Alpine Ski Torsional Deflection Analysis in the Laboratory.
Thorwartl Christoph, Tschepp Andreas, Zirkl Martin, Holzer Helmut, Stöggl Thomas (2024): Validating Printed Sensors for Alpine Ski Torsional Deflection Analysis in the Laboratory In: Book of Abstracts of the Joint Conference 25th International Congress on Snow Sport Trauma and Safety - 38th Congress of the International Society for Snowsports Medicine.
Kremser, Wolfgang, Sebastian Mayr, Simon Lassl, Marco Holzer, und Martin Tiefengrabner (2024): Towards Validated Head Tracking On Moving Two-Wheelers. In: Analytics and Applications: Proceedings of the 5th International Data Science Conference―iDSC2023. Springer.
Christoph Schranz, Sebastian Mayr, Severin Bernhart, Christina Halmich (2023): Nearest Advocate: A Novel Event-based Time Delay Estimation Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Time-Series Data Synchronization. Preprint (Version 1) available at Research Square.
Astrid Weiss, Sabine Alexandra Zauchner, Manuela Ploessnig, Nadine Sturm, Sofia Kirilova, Mathias Schmoigl (2023): Navigating Gender Sensitivity in Robot Design: Unveiling the Challenges and Avoiding Pitfalls. In: International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology.
Wolfgang Kremser, Severin Bernhart, Harald Rieser, Stefan Ablinger-Csenki, and Klaus Seelenbacher. (2023): Demo: Dimohub-a hardware platform for rapid prototyping of wireless body sensor networks. In: 9th IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensors and Systems for Digital Health. IEEE.
Schmoigl-Tonis Mathias, Schranz Christoph, Müller-Putz Gernot R. (2023): Methods for motion artifact reduction in online brain-computer interface experiments: a systematic review. In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Sec. Brain-Computer Interfaces, Volume 17-2023.
Kranzinger C, Bernhart S, Kremser W, Venek V, Rieser H, Mayr S, Kranzinger S. (2023): Classification of Human Motion Data Based on Inertial Measurement Units in Sports: A Scoping Review. In: Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(15):8684. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158684
Christoph Schranz, Oliver Jung (2023): What do Stress-Estimation Models really represent? In: Conference: ECSS
Oliver Jung, Eva Hollauf, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Tess den Uyl, Kasper van Zon (2023): Promoting Healthy Aging Using a Robot Support System and Emotion Recognition In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 301: dHealth 2023.
Nils Haller, Stefan Kranzinger, Christina Kranzinger, Julia C. Blumkaitis, Tilmann Strepp, Perikles Simon, Aleksandar Tomaskovic, James O’Brien, Manfred Düring, Thomas Stöggl (2023): Predicting Injury and Illness with Machine Learning in Elite Youth Soccer: A Comprehensive Monitoring Approach over 3 Months. In: Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.
Häusler, E., Kremser, W., Hornung-Prähauser, V. and Huber, F. (2023): Data-intensive IoT New Product Development: a review and future directions In: Int. J. Product Development, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp.265–292.
Nina Baumgartner, Christina Kranzinger, Stefan Kranzinger, Cory Snyder, Thomas Stöggl, Bernd Resch (2023): A Comparison of Methods for Automatic Outlier Detection in Ergospirometric Data and Their Effect on the Performance of Predictive Models In: 13th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport and 13th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport.
Elisabeth Häusler, Wolfgang Kremser, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Franz Huber (2023): The Impact of Data Source Development on Iterations within IoT New Product Development Projects In: Proceedings of DRUID 2023
Nina Baumgartner, Christina Kranzinger, Stefan Kranzinger, Cory Snyder, Thomas Stöggl and Bernd Resch (2023): Detecting Outliers in Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Data of Ski Racers – A Comparison of Methods and their Effect on the Performance of Fatigue Prediction. In: International Journal of Computer Science in Sport
Helmut Zörrer, Georg Weichhart, Mathias Schmoigl Tonis, Till Bieg, Matthias Propst, Dominik Schuster, Nadine Sturm, Chloé Nativel, Gabriele Salomon, Felix Strohmeier , Andreas Sackl, Michael Eberle and Andreas Pichler (2023): Enabling End-Users in Designing and Executing of Complex, Collaborative Robotic Processes In: Applied System Innovation 6, no. 3: 56.
Stefan Kranzinger, Sebastian Baron, Christina Kranzinger, Dominik Heib, Christian Borgelt (2023): Generalisability of sleep stage classification based on interbeat intervals: validating three machine learning approaches on self-recorded test data. In: Behaviormetrika (2023).
Christina Kranzinger, Aaron Martinez, Stefan Kranzinger, Thomas Stöggl (2023): Development of a simple algorithm to detect different types of freestyle jumps and jumps during skiing In: Abstract Book of the 9th International Congress on Science and Skiing.
Laura Eisenberger, Barbara Mayr, Maximilian Beck, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Andrea Menzl, Inga Jahn, Mahdi Sareban, Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, Josef Niebauer and Birgit Böhm (2022): Assessment of Exercise Intensity for Uphill Walking in Healthy Adults Performed Indoors and Outdoors In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Kranzinger Stefan, Kranzinger Christina, Snyder Cory, Stöggl Thomas (2022): Predicting the rate of fatigue during skiing on a ski treadmill based on ergospirometric data. In: Book of Abstracts of the 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science
Bernhart, S., Venek, V., Kranzinger, C., Kremser, W., & Martínez, A. (2022): Data-driven Cut-off Frequency Optimization for Biomechanical Sensor Data Pre-Processing. In: Data Science–Analytics and Applications (pp. 20-25). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden
Sebastian Gruber, Bernd Neumayr, Jan David Smeddinck (2022): Towards integration-preserving customization of just-in-time adaptive interventions with composite clabjects in RDF and SHACL. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings
Laura Eisenberger, Barbara Mayr, Maximilian Beck, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Andrea Menzl, Inga Jahn, Mahdi Sareban, Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, Josef Niebauer, Birgit Böhm (2022): Development and validation of a 1-km cardio-trekking test to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults. In: Preventive Medicine Reports 30 (2022) 102039.
Haller N, Blumkaitis JC, Strepp T, Schmuttermair A, Aglas L, Simon P, Neuberger E, Kranzinger C, Kranzinger S, O’Brien J, Ergoth B, Raffetseder S, Fail C, Düring M and Stöggl T (2022): Comprehensive training load monitoring with biomarkers, performance testing, local positioning data, and questionnaires – first results from elite youth soccer. In: Frontiers in Physiology
Finkenzeller T, Burberg T, Kranzinger S, Harbour E, Snyder C, Würth S and Amesberger G (2022): Effects of physical stress in alpine skiing on psychological, physiological, and biomechanical parameters: An individual approach. In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living.
Christoph Schranz, Sebastian Mayr (2022): Ein neuer Algorithmus zur Zeitsynchronisierung von Ereignis- basierten Zeitreihendaten als Alternative zur Kreuzkorrelation. In: Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of the Section Sport Informatics and Engineering of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs).
Wolfgang Kremser (2022): Data Quality Knowledge in Sport Informatics: A Scoping Review. In: spinfortec2022 : Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of the Section Sport Informatics and Engineering of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs), Chemnitz September 29-30, 2022.
Verena Venek; Christina Kranzinger; Sonja Jungreitmayr; Susanne Ring-Dimitriou; Hermann Schwameder; Thomas Stöggl (2022): Influence of 2 Digital Exercise Modules of a Multimodular System on Balance and Leg Strength Under Consideration of Use Adherence: Prospective Cohort Study. In: JMIR Formative Research
Elisabeth Häusler, Wolfgang Kremser, Severin Bernhart (2022): IoT New Product Development in the context of human motion analytics. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international "Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials”
Kremser, Wolfgan (2022): Data Quality Knowledge in Sport Informatics: A Scoping Review. In: spinfortec2022: Tagungsband zum 14. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik und Sporttechnologie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs). Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; Spinfortec. Chemnitz: Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, pp. 43–48.
Severin Bernhart, Harald Rieser, Vincent van Rheden, Rainer Matischek (2022): Using CAPSENSE™ in a Wearable Textile Chest Belt for Respiration Sensing and Interaction Possibility. In: Proceedings of the 2nd international “Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials”.
Schneider, C., Venek, V., Rieser, H., Jungreitmayr, S., Trukeschitz, B. (2022): „Fit-mit-ILSE“ für Senior*innen: User-Centred Design Prozess und Prototyp des Active and Assisted Living Systems. In: Aktives Altern im digitalen Zeitalter. Informations-Kommunikations-Technologie verstehen, nutzen und integrieren. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Venek, V., Rieser, H. (2022): Technologiegestütztes funktionelles Training in den eigenen vier Wänden. In: Aktives Altern im digitalen Zeitalter. Informations-Kommunikations-Technologie verstehen, nutzen und integrieren. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Kranzinger, Christina; Venek, Verena; Rieser, Harald; Jungreitmayr, Sonja; Ring-Dimitriou, Susanne (2022): Data-Driven User-Type Clustering of a Physical Activity Promotion App: Usage Data Analysis Study Data-Driven User-Type Clustering of a Physical Activity Promotion App: Usage Data Analysis Study. In: JMIR Formative Research.
Till Bieg, Mathias Schmoigl-Tonis, Nadine Sturm, Chloé Nativel, Andreas Sackl (2022): Enabling Cross-Domain Robot Programming By End-Users: The ROBxTASK Platform.
Barbara Mayr, Maximilian Beck, Laura Eisenberger, Verena Venek, Christina Kranzinger, Andrea Menzl, Bernhard Reich, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, Birgit Böhm, Josef Niebauer (2022): Valorization of Natural Cardio Trekking Trails Through Open Innovation for the Promotion of Sustainable Cross-generational Health-Oriented Tourism in the Connect2Move Project: Protocol for a Cross-sectional Study. In: JMIR Research Protocols Vol 11, No 7 (2022).