DIEGO – Digital Energy Path for Planning and Operation of Sustainable Grid, Products and Society
Energy management and balancing of industrial processes, residential prosumers and e-mobility charging through real-time data exchange and control.
ECOSINT – Energy Community System Integration
Consumption of energy within the framework of local energy communities (LECs for short).
AlTrOPiC – AI-based Anomaly Diagnosis and Traffic Prediction for Service Orchestration and Placement in Clouds
The AITrOPiC project focus on the research and development of AI-based methods to enable automated provisioning of services and processing resources in cloud-based computing infrastructures.
CrossChargePoint – Integrated Multi-Energy Storages coupling the power network to the transportation sector
Planning, integration and operation of charging and refuelling infrastructures to supply e-mobility and the integration of charging and refuelling needs into energy management and regional value creation.
MESSE – Model-based Engineering and Validation Support for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems
The massive deployment of distributed generators from renewable sources in recent years has led to a fundamental paradigm change in terms of planning and operation of the electric power system.
Virtuegrid – Virtualisation for resilient and secure Smart Grid communication networks
Ongoing digitisation of power grids by large numbers of ICT-components for the purpose of extensive integration of renewable energy sources (REC) is demanding for novel system management strategies.
MINER – Measurement Infrastructure for Network Research
MINER is a programmable software platform that supports users in conducting distributed experiments.
All projects (chronologically)
STARS – Black start algorithms through resilient satellite communication
Restoring the power grid after a blackout using modern satellite communication based on satellites close to the earth.
PowerTeams – Collaborative engineering of smart grid applications
Collaborative and partially automated engineering of Smart Grid applications along the entire life cycle.
CE-PASS (Circular Economy – Digital Product Passport)
CE-PASS is an Austrian industrial research project addressing the issue of sustainability-aware automotive design for the Circular Economy.
DIEGO – Digital Energy Path for Planning and Operation of Sustainable Grid, Products and Society
Energy management and balancing of industrial processes, residential prosumers and e-mobility charging through real-time data exchange and control.
i-Twin – Semantic Integration Patterns for Data-driven Digital Twins in the Manufacturing Industry
i-Twin investigates interoperability concepts for data-driven digital twins in the manufacturing industry.
ECOSINT – Energy Community System Integration
Consumption of energy within the framework of local energy communities (LECs for short).
CrossChargePoint – Integrated Multi-Energy Storages coupling the power network to the transportation sector
Planning, integration and operation of charging and refuelling infrastructures to supply e-mobility and the integration of charging and refuelling needs into energy management and regional value creation.
HWS – Platform-based AI System for Human Motion Analysis to optimize Ergonomics of Hybrid Work Systems in Industry
HWS deals with the increasing levels of automation and the use of collaborative robots, making the shop floor a complex socio-technological system whose processes still need to be safe and secure for humans working in these environments.
AlTrOPiC – AI-based Anomaly Diagnosis and Traffic Prediction for Service Orchestration and Placement in Clouds
The AITrOPiC project focus on the research and development of AI-based methods to enable automated provisioning of services and processing resources in cloud-based computing infrastructures.
EFPF: European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing
The EFPF project realises a federated smart factory ecosystem by initially interlinking four smart factory platforms, from the FoF-11-2016 cluster, through an open and interoperable Data Spine.
R2C2 – Reconfigurable Real-time Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems
Dynamically reconfigurable software-defined real-time networks with AI support.
MINER – Measurement Infrastructure for Network Research
MINER is a programmable software platform that supports users in conducting distributed experiments.
IoT4CPS – Trustworthy IoT for CPS
The main focus of IoT4CPS will be on developing, producing and operating, highly trustable components and applications for Connected and Automated Driving.
ZSE – Zentrum für sichere Energieinformatik
The ZSE enables the secure and comprehensive networking of data of all participants in intelligent energy networks.
EMBS – Energy Management Building Set
The EMBS project develops an innovative, integrated control and planning system for demand-response and optimization of multi-utility/-energy devices and installations.
Virtuegrid – Virtualisation for resilient and secure Smart Grid communication networks
Ongoing digitisation of power grids by large numbers of ICT-components for the purpose of extensive integration of renewable energy sources (REC) is demanding for novel system management strategies.