Project Completion Report: Wireless Broadband Options in Rural Regions
Salzburg Research recently published the project completion report „Wireless Broadband Options accompanying the infrastructure expansion“ (Kabellose Breitbandoptionen begleitend zum Infastrukturausbau). The report represents an important step in the expansion of broadband in the Province of Salzburg and serves as a source of information for currently available options in nderserved rural regions.
„More bandwidth when accessing the Internet, as well as a fast and stable Internet connection, are essential to remain competitive. Our declared goal is to reach a nationwide broadband supply in Salzburg by 2020. For this, we have to rely on wireless technologies, especially in sparsely populated and rural areas where the expansion of wired solutions is not possible”, explains governor Wilfried Haslauer.
Four Options for More than Ten Megabits Per Second
If, in an area with cable-bound solutions, a sufficient supply can not be guaranteed, the change to wireless technologies remains. Four different categories of possible solutions are to be distinguished: Mobile Internet of the mobile service providers, license-free Internet via WLAN technologies (wireless), licensed Internet in the 3.5 gigahertz range of local providers as well as Internet via satellite. All four options are suitable to offer broadband with more than ten megabits per second in rural areas. The great advantage of these wireless options is that they do not incur any costs for cable connections, and significantly more households can be supplied with broadband.
These technologies can be transitional or medium-term alternative solutions for acute under-supply. Salzburg Research conducted inter alia measurements of mobile data rates at locations in the border area of Seekirchen/Köstendorf/Obertrum/Mattsee. On the basis of these results, possible recommendations for action are derived for other areas.
For citizens, there is also the possibility to measure the available mobile data rates at their location. For this purpose, the province of Salzburg has purchased their own measuring boxes developed by Salzburg Research. Further information is available on the contry’s website at www.salzburg.gv.at/breitband.
All project data and the entire project final report as PDF can be found here: Breitbandmessung Flachgau