Karin Klieber, Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Guntram Geser, Diana Wieden-Bischof, Irina Paraschivoiu, Thomas Layer-Wagner, Nina Möstegl, Franz Huemer and Johan Rosan (2020): Nudging sustainable behaviour: Data-based nudges for smart city innovations In: ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating in Times of Crisis, 7-10 June 2020. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications: ISBN 978-952-335-466-1
Karl Rehrl, Simon Gröchenig, Stefan Kranzinger (2020): Why did a vehicle stop? A methodology for detection and classification of stops in vehicle trajectories In: International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34:10, 1953-1979
Nina Schmitzberger, Cornelia Zankl (2019): BürgerInnen Dialog Automatisierte Mobilität in Salzburg Ergebnisbericht, Salzburg Research.
Veledar, V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, G. Macher (2019): Digital Twins for Dependability Improvement of Autonomous Driving. In: A. Walker, R. O’Connor, R. Messnarz (Eds.) “Systems, Software and Services process Improvement”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Best Practices in Design of Systems Applying Functional Safety & Cybersecurity (co-located with the 26th European System, Software and Service Process Improvement & Innovation Conference (EuroSPI2019)), September 18-20, 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Snyder, C., Brunauer R., Jahnel, R., Stöggl, T. (2019): Ski style classification and scoring using a simple sensor and algorithm system. Presentation at European College of Sport Science (ECSS)
W. Kremser and R. Brunauer (2019): Do we have a Data Culture? In: Data Science – Analytics and Applications, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019, pp. 83–87.
Cornelia Zankl, Karl Rehrl (2018): Digibus 2017: Experiences with the first self-driving shuttlebus on open roads in Austria
Brunauer, R., Schmitzberger, N., Rehrl, K. (2018): Recognizing Spatio-Temporal Traffic Patterns at Intersections Using Self-Organizing Maps. In: Proc. of the 11th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, Seattle, pp. 43–52.
Karl Rehrl, Cornelia Zankl (2018): Digibus 2017: Erfahrungen mit dem ersten selbstfahrenden Shuttlebus auf öffentlichen Straßen in Österreich Salzburg: Salzburg Research.
Rehrl, K. (2017): Erste Erfahrungen mit einem selbstfahrenden Minibus In: FSV-Schriftenreihe Heft Nr. 017 "Automatisiertes Fahren" – Heft November 2017
Füssl, E., Hartwig, L., Bell, D., Brocza, U., Leitinger, S., Brunauer, R., Lorenz, F., Loidl, M. (2017): Naturalistic cycling data as a base for awareness raising In: Book of abstracts, International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety, 30th Workshop, 26-27 October 2017, Olomouc
Schneider, C., Gröchenig, S., Venek, V., Leitner, M., Reich, S. (2017): A framework for evaluating stay detection approaches In: International Journal of Geo-Information. Wissenserwerb als Teil der „Produktionsumgebung Wissensmanagement“ der ÖV
Ates, N., Aumayr, G., Drobics, M., Förster, K.M., Frauenberger, C., Garschall, M., Kofler, M., Krainer, D., Kropf, J., Majcen, K., Oberzaucher, J., Piazolo, F., Rzepka, A., Sauskojus, J., Schneider, C., Stainer-Hochgatterer, A., Sturm, N., Waibel, U., Willner, V. (2017): Assistive solutions in practice Experiences from AAL pilot regions in Austria In: eHealth2017
Rehrl, K., Brunauer, R., Gröchenig, S., & Lugstein, E. (2017): Generation of Meaningful Location References for Referencing Traffic Information to Road Networks Using Qualitative Spatial Concepts. In: G. Gartner & H. Huang (Eds.), Progress in Location-Based Services 2016 (pp. 173–191). Springer International Publishing.
Sven Leitinger, Martin Loidl, Elisabeth Füssl, Florian Lorenz, Ulrike Brocza (2016): Principles and Study Design of the First Austrian Naturalistic Cycling Study BIKEALYZE. In: Book of Abstracts, International Cycling Safety Conference, 2-4 November, Bologna, Italy
Brunauer, R., Rehrl, K. (2016): Supporting Road Maintenance with In-Vehicle Data – Results from a Field Trial on Road Surface Condition Monitoring In: Proc. of the 19th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro.
Schneider, Cornelia, Sebastian Zutz, Karl Rehrl, Richard Brunauer, and Simon Gröchenig (2016): Evaluating GPS Sampling Rates for Pedestrian Assistant Systems Journal of Location Based Services 9725 (November). Taylor & Francis: 1–28. doi:10.1080/17489725.2016.1259509
Ranacher, P., Brunauer, R., Van der Spek, S., Reich, S. (2016): A model to estimate and interpret the energy-efficiency of movement patterns in urban road traffic In: International Journal of Computers Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS), 59, pp. 152-163.
Rehrl, K., Brunauer, R., Gröchenig, S. (2016): Collecting Floating Car Data with Smartphones: Results from a Field Trial in Austria. In: Journal of Location Based Services 2016, 10, 16–30.
Rehrl, K.; Gröchenig, S.; (2016): A Framework for Data-Centric Analysis of Mapping Activity in the Context of Volunteered Geographic Information. In: ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2016, 5, 37.
Ranacher, P., Brunauer, R., Van der Spek, S., Reich, S. (2016): What is an Appropriate Temporal Sampling Rate to Record Floating Car Data with a GPS? In: In: International Journal of Geo-Information 5(1)
Gröchenig, Simon, and Cornelia Schneider (2016): A Cookie-Cutter Approach for Determining Places and Stays from Movement Data GI_Forum 1: 53–64. doi:10.1553/giscience2016_01_s53.
Brunauer, R., Rehrl, K. (2015): Big Data in der Mobilität – FCD Modellregion Salzburg. In: HMD Big Data.
Ranacher, P., Brunauer, R., Trutschnig, W., Van der Spek, S., Reich, S. (2015): Why GPS makes distances bigger than they are. In: International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 09/2015.
Rehrl, K., Brunauer, R., & Gröchenig, S. (2015): Towards a Qualitative Assessment of Changes in Geographic Vector Datasets. In: AGILE 2015 (pp. 181-197). Springer International Publishing.
Harald Rieser, Peter Dorfinger, Vangelis Nomikos, Vassilis Papataxiarhis (2015): Sensor Interoperability for Disaster Management In: Proceedings of the Sensor Applications Symposium (SAS2015) Zadar, Croatia; April 2015
Rehrl, K., Brunauer, R., Hufnagl, M., Leitinger, S., Wagner, A. and Wimmer, M. (2013): Floating Car Data Testbed Salzburg. In: Proc. of Mobile Ghent 2013. pp. 23 – 25.
Sandra Schön, Renate Steinmann, Michael Friesenecker, Roland Hackl und Karl Rehrl (2012): Crowdsourcing bei Geo- und Reisedatenprojekten – was macht OpenStreetmap, Waze & Co so erfolgreich?
Alexander Eriu, Harald Rieser, and Gerald Ostermayer (2011): Mobile Augmented Geo Data Visualization Based on Open Street Map
Nicolas Göll, Markus Lassnig, Karl Rehrl (2010): Location-Based Services im mTourismus – Quo Vadis? In: Roman Egger, Mario Jooss (Hg.): mTourism. Mobile Dienste im Tourismus. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag. S. 27-44. ISBN 978-3-8349-2362-2.
Elisabeth Haid, Günter Kiechle, Nicolas Göll, Martin Soutschek (2008): Evaluation of a Web-based and Mobile Ski Touring Application for GPS-enabled Smartphones. In: Sigala, M., Mich, L., Murphy, J. (eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. Wien, New York: Springer Computer Science.