
Project Management Assistant / Student

Siegfried Reich, Elisabeth Häusler (beide Salzburg Research) und Wilfried Haslauer, Landeshauptmann Salzburg

Excellent technology research: COMET project Digital Motion

DyMoN Handbook: Digital Nudging for sustainable Mobility

Handbook: Digital Nudging for sustainable Mobility


Accountant (w/d/m)

DyMoN Webinar Series

DyMoN webinar series: motivating sustainable urban mobility

Charity Challenge Spendenscheck 2023

Another fundraising record at the Charity Challenge 2023

Health Data Challenge: 3. Platz für Team SBG3

Health Data Challenge: 3rd place for team “SBG3”


PostDoc (f|m|non-binary)

Ideenwettbewerb Community und Ecology

Ideas competition: Digital solutions for environmental and social sustainability


PhD Student (f|m|non-binary) – Data Engineer in Digital Health


Talents: The expectations of Generation Z and how we should respond to them

Interaktion von Radfahrenden und autonomen Fahrzeugen im gemischten Verkehr: Radfahrende erwarten klare Signale von autonomen Fahrzeugen © Salzburg Research/wildbild, Herbert Rohrer

What cyclists expect from self-driving vehicles

IdeaSpace Ideenplattform

IdeaSpace: Ideas for the challenges of tomorrow

Mit KI das Metallrecycling verbessern

Improve recycling with AI and digital product passports


Research Employee IVC with focus on sustainable & digital innovation

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria