Test persons wanted: Online platform for family caregivers
In Austria, the majority of care and nursing is provided by family members. This can be associated with a number of burdens for family caregivers. Dementia, in particular, is often a major challenge due to its symptoms and progression. This makes it all the more important to deal with the care situation at an early stage, to network well with support services, and to obtain comprehensive information.
Together with partners in the “TeleCareHub” project, Salzburg Research has developed an online platform to provide support, networking, and information for family caregivers of people with (incipient) dementia. The following services and functions of the TeleCareHub platform will now be tested with this group of people in a pilot study:
- Knowledge Compact Online Library
- Learning and training opportunities on dementia and caregiving at home
- Access to video consultations with a clinical psychologist
- Moderated online support group for caregivers and family caregivers
- Stress check for early detection of overload
Participation criteria and procedure
People who are currently providing at least limited care and/or support to someone with dementia or suspected dementia and who are 18 years of age or older are sought. A computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with internet access is required to participate.
Participation in the study will last between 3 and 6 months, depending on how long the participant wishes to use the TeleCareHub platform. How often and how intensively the TeleCareHub platform is used is up to the participants.
An online questionnaire will be completed at the beginning of the study. The questionnaire collects some data about the current care situation and the relationship with technology. At the same time, participants will register on the TeleCareHub platform and will be able to use the services.
At the end of their participation, respondents will again be asked to complete an online questionnaire. This questionnaire will ask questions about their experience with the TeleCareHub platform and their care situation. It will take approximately 45 minutes to complete each questionnaire. Selected test persons will also be invited to participate in a focus group to evaluate the TeleCareHub platform.
Participants will be paid €100 for their time and effort in completing the questionnaires. An additional €50 will be paid as compensation for participating in the focus group to evaluate the TeleCareHub platform.
A non-binding information event is planned, to which interested parties are cordially invited. The dates of the event can be communicated when contacting us.
Contact information for those interested:
TeleCareHub project team:
E-Mail: telecarehub@fh-kaernten.at
Telephone: 05 90500 3225
We look forward to your participation!
Please feel free to forward this information to other people!
The TeleCareHub project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) as part of the “benefit” program.