DOIT: Youth as Social Entrepreneurs
The European research project DOIT under the direction of Salzburg Research aims to inspire children and young people between the ages of six and 16 to tackle social problems. Together with adults, open innovation methods, maker tools and cooperation skills are used in schools and leisure facilities.
The current socio-economic climate in Europe is characterized by high youth unemployment and increasing social inequality. The OECD therefore calls for the strengthening of entrepreneurial skills from the beginning. In addition, sustainable innovation is considered the key factor for global innovation and growth. “DOIT – Entrepreneurial Skills for Young Social Innovators in an Open Digital World” wants to inspire young students (6-16 years) for active social innovation and thus help them to think entrepreneurially, know-how and skills. Toolboxes are being developed for children and caregivers who offer complementary know-how and support. They are designed so that children and young people can gain experience as social innovators in (mobile) makerspaces in concrete projects.
The DOIT partners bring together well-known European makerspaces and fablabs, which already work with children, with entrepreneurship education as well as experts and networks for social innovation. Currently, the pedagogical concept and first versions of the modules, contents and guidelines as well as DOIT toolboxes are being worked on as open educational resources. These tools will subsequently be tested in ten European practice regions and in an online setting and then made publicly available. The research project is funded by the European Union in the Horizon 2020 program.
More information on www.doit-europe.net.