Internet-Protokolle für effiziente Übermittlung mit garantierter Quality of Service (QoS) more
Tag ‘Monitoring’
Virtual Web User
Virtuelle Nachbildung der Netzbelastung durch Internet-Surfer. more
MOME – Monitoring and Measurement Cluster
Plattform für den Wissensaustausch und zur Koordination der Aktivitäten in den Bereichen IP-Montoring und -Messung more
Passive Monitoring
Aufzeichnung des Datenverkehrs im Netzwerk ohne Gererierung von zusätzlichem Verkehr. more
Estimating Inter-domain Network Delays by Passive Monitoring
This master thesis presents an approach to apply purely passive, privacy-preserving network monitoring to a performance monitoring problem. Internet service providers and network operators need to know, which services their customers are consuming on which quality level. In addition, the customer must be enabled to relate the experienced quality to the agreed service level parameters. The application of passive network monitoring for such tasks is useful: First, it can evaluate the real traffic of the customers, without injecting additional traffic to the network and second, measurement results are exactly based on the services the customers are accessing. On the other hand, passive network monitoring always includes the risk of compromising the customers’ right for privacy and therefore often raises privacy concerns from the public. Nevertheless, recent privacy-preserving monitoring frameworks allow overcoming the “privacy-versus-utility” dilemma by decoupling data capturing, filtering and data processing in separate steps, always applying the required level of privacy. This work evaluates delay measurements based on passive monitoring and presents different possibilities to estimate the connection quality to remote Internet locations. The mechanism exploits passive RTT measurement results gathered from inter-domain traffic to remote Internet hosts and aggregates them. They system only reports reduced but relevant information to the operator, while discarding unnecessary information for privacy reasons. The remote locations represent aggregations on different administrative or geographic precision levels, like BGP prefixes, Autonomous Systems or countries.
AQUILA – Ende des World Wide Wait?
Entwicklung einer Architektur, die dynamische Anforderungen verschiedener Dienstqualitäten im Internet für moderne, multimediale Applikationen ermöglicht. more
INTERMON – Hochwertiges QoS-Monitoring
Qualitätsparameter verschiedener ISP-Domains werden durch eine im Projekt entwickelte Infrastruktur gesammelt, visualisiert und durch Simulation optimiert. more
PRISM – Datenschutz-sensibles Monitoring
Passives Monitoren von Kommunikationsnetzen ist für den Betrieb der Netze und zur Erkennung von Cyber-Attacken relevant. Im Projekt PRISM (2008-2010) wurde ein Monitoringsystem entwickelt, das die Privatsphäre der Nutzer schützt, ohne dabei notwendige Funktionalitäten zu verlieren. more