
„MINTwoch“: Journey Into The Research World

Salzburg Research and the University of Salzburg invited school classes to another “MINTwoch” in the Science City Itzling to immerse themselves in the world of science and technology. more

12th IoT-Talks: Data – Fuel and Vehicle for the Internet of Things

Methods, technologies and application examples for collecting, transporting and evaluating data in the Internet of Things. more

Maker Day Saalfelden

The Maker Day Saalfelden combines traditional crafts and technologies of the future and aims to arouse interest in MINT and ICT topics and the enjoyable use of materials and digital tools in a playful way. more

Mini Maker Faire Salzburg and School Maker Days 2018

The premiere of the world-famous festival in Salzburg was a complete success. In autumn, the creative festival in Salzburg will be entering its second round and looking for many cool projects, innovative start-ups and experimental makers. more

Maker Days for Kids

Salzburg Research organizes in cooperation with the Stadt:Bibliothek (city library) and the association Spektrum again the Maker Days. Under the guidance of Maker professionals, children and adolescents can develop their own ideas and bring them into analogue and digital form. more

Smart Summer: The Technology and IT Holiday Fun

Three weeks, 90 young people and 15 companies – these are the ingredients for three exciting Technology and IT Holidays, the Smart Summer. more

First Mini Maker Faire in Salzburg

Festival of (digital) creativity, innovation and inspiration on April 29, 2017. Everyone is welcome, free admission. more

Video: These were the Maker Days Vol.2

In November 2016, Salzburg Research, in cooperation with the city library Stadt:Bibliothek and Verein Spektrum organizes a sequel to the “Maker Days”. more

Maker Days Vol.2: Photography Workshop

A month full of tinkering, crafting and discoveries comes to an end. Last Friday the last of four afternoons of the Maker Days Vol.2 took place. more

Maker Days Vol.2: Robot 101

Also on the third afternoon of the Maker Days Vol.2 there was a lot to discover. Around 40 children took up the topic of robots at the various stations.


Maker Days Vol.2: Music Workshop

Also the second afternoon of the Maker Days organized by Salzburg Research together with the association Spektrum at Stadt:Bibliothek was a complete success.


Maker Days Vol.2 at Stadt:Bibliothek

Analog meets digital: 3D modeling and pressure, upcycling, design and much more for children and adolescents. Maker Days Vol.2 in cooperation with the city library and the club range. more

Intellectual Capital Report 2015

Salzburg Research publishes an intellectual capital statement annually. Numbers, data, facts, results and achievements from the 2015:


Bereichsbroschüre Computational Logistics Lab

Speeddating with Researchers

Many young people took advantage of the speed dating with researchers, and asked what they have always wanted to ask. more

Report: AGIT 2012: Special Forum “Open Street Map”

Salzburg Research and trafficon organized the Special Forum “OpenStreetMap” as part of AGIT2012, the Symposium and Exhibition on Applied Geoinformatics. more

update 4|2011

Inhalt: | Greifbares Innovationspotenzial | Autowäsche und Pilates | Rezertifizierung | Erfolgreiches Kompetenzzentrum | netd@ys special 2011 | iMedication | Smart Talks | Gewinner des IKS UX Contest | Best Paper Award

Report: Long Night of Research

Research centers troughout Austria, including Salzburg Research, opened their doors and provided interesting insights into their work. more

QM-certification according to EN ISO 9001

Salzburg Research has been audited and successfully recertified by TÜV Austria. more

Report: netd@ys/netidee Community Event

Netdays 2011 cooperated with the Internet promotion netidee to specifically address young people. This event promoted the submitted ideas – waving it up to 50,000 €! more

update 3|2011

  • Technologie für Lebensretter:
    • Dirigent für Softwaretests
    • Neue Technologie für Salzburger Einsatzkräfte
    • Internationale Katastrophenhilfe
  • Neue Partner im Kompetenzzentrum
  • App für den Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
  • IKS Award
  • Kinder forschen

IKS Semantic CMS UI/X Competition

IKS is calling on developers to build killer User Experiences on top of IKS technology. more

Teenagers as Researchers

Since July 2011 several interns at Salzburg Research immerse themselves in the world of research.


Salzburg Research at the Children’s town

Salzburg Research inspired young researchers at the Children’s town “Mini-Salzburg”. more

International IPv6 Day on June 8th

On 8 June 2011 the global IPv6 capability in the Internet is tested. Salzburg Research has long been available over IPv6, and examines the accessibility of the participating sites. more

Robotics at the “House of Nature” in Salzburg

“Robotics” is the new school program by Salzburg Research for pupils aged 13 and up. It can now be booked at the “House of Nature” in Salzburg. more

Annual Report 2010

(German only)

Hands-on Internships for Pupils

Salzburg Research offers 4-week paid interschips for pubils in summer 2011 more

Salzburg Research Intern Awarded

Maria Posch, intern at Salzburg Research, was awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry BMVIT. more

Report: Development of Location-based Services for iPhone and Android Smartphones

Within the scope of the “16. Münchner Fortbildungsseminars Geoinformationssysteme” at the Technical University of Munich, Salzburg Research offered  a tutorial on mobile applications for smartphones. more

Youth in Science

Four pupils visited Salzburg Research during a short internship in February 2011.  more

Heritage Alive! – Using new media for communicating the value of cultural heritage sites

Promoting cultural heritage sites as resources for regional development and cultural learning of local people and visitors more

E-Portfolio for your Future

E-portfolios for the personal and professional development of students more

EduMedia Conference 2005-2010

Annual conference of Salzburg Research’s EduMedia Group – the meeting point for experts and practitioners in ICT-enhanced learning and training. more

Smart Move – tripwolf iPhone travel guide

The mobile iPhone application “tripwolf iPhone travel guide“ offers travelers quick (online and offline) access to topical, professional information on different countries, regions and cities. With the help of Augmented Reality, information is automatically displayed right in live view on their iPhone camera. more

ways2navigate – navigation for pedestrians

The aim of ways2navigate is to close effectively information deficit of pedestrians with novel navigation technologies. The project studies with the help of iterative user experiments which conditions and which target groups are suitable for digital map, language and Augmented Reality technology in order to support pedestrians in an urban environment. more

LINKS-UP – learning 2.0 for disadvantaged people

Links-up is research project about how ‘Web 2.0’ technologies – e.g. social networking software – are changing the face of education and training for disadvantaged people. more

Peak.AR 2.0 now available for iPhone and Android

The successful App Peak.AR 2.0 offers new design, higher resolution, better display of peaks and integrated gyroscope mode. more

Report: KiWi Snow Camp Hackathon

The KiWi Snow Camp took place from February 17th – 19th, 2011. The task list for the KiWi core developer team and the invited Open Source developers was: two days coding, one day skiing. more

update 4|10

  • Innovatives Müll-Management
  • Intelligente Haustechnik
  • Optimierte Auslieferung
  • Selbstbestimmtes Leben im Alter
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Sprachen lernen – mal anders
  • Suchmaschinen-Optimierung

update 05.3

  • Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung auf hohem Niveau
  • Innovation ist planbar
  • Ran an die Computer, Frauen!
  • Das Handy als Navigationsgerät
  • eTourism Center – das erste Jahr

update 07.3

  • GO2Frequency – Kommunikationstechnologie statt Stau
  • Ihre Online-Zeitung von morgen
  • Semantisches Wiki
  • Software für Lebensretter
  • Wissensraum für Kulturinstitution

update 07.4

  • Selbstvertrauen durch E-Portfolios
  • Grenzüberschreitende Qualifikation
  • Barrierefreie Sportregion
  • Salzburger Online-Jugendatlas
  • kids_JOIN_tech
  • Mobiles Fernsehen in Österreich

update 08.1

  • Netd@ys Austria 07|08
  • LBS2008: Call for Contributions
  • 10 Jahre ANC
  • Innovationsscheck eingelöst
  • Wanderbarer Salzburgführer
  • Optimierung in der Transportlogistik

update 2|08

  • Mehr als nur ein Ferienjob
  • Erlebnis HDTV?!
  • Nachrichtenportale und Web 2.0
  • Olympia-TV interaktiv
  • Salzburgs Verkehr im Blick
  • Datenschutz in Netzwerken

Report: Salzburg Research’s 10th Anniversary

Salzburg Research celebratet it’s 10th anniversary on October 22nd, 2010. more

Salzburg Research’s 10th Anniversary

Salzburg Research celebratet it’s 10th anniversary on October 22nd, 2010. more

10 Jahre Salzburg Research

Netd@ys Austria 1998-2010

A success story in promoting creative ICT projects of students more

update Okt|09

  • Neue Impulse für Chancengleichheit
  • Wirtschaftsnahe Forschung
  • ESWC Best Demo Award
  • Mobiler Reiseführer tripwolf
  • Interaktives Content Management
  • MobileSurveySuite
  • Salzburger Medientag 2009

peak.AR – Experience the intriguing panorama of the peaks surrounding you

Have you ever wondered “What is the name of that prominent peak over there?” – find the answer simply by taking a look through the camera of your iPhone or Android device. more

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2000/2001

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2002

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2003

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2004

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2005

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2006

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2008

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2007

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2009

Lesen Sie unsere wirtschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Erfolge, unsere wichtigsten Daten und Fakten sowie umfassende Informationen über unsere international anerkannte Forschung.

Sie finden neben den Highlights aus vier Forschungslinien, zwei Kompetenzzentren sowie unseren neuen Kompetenzschwerpunkt e-Health auch unsere Wissenbilanz.

April 2010

update 1|10

  • Fortsetzung des Salzburg NewMediaLab
  • Soziale Netzwerke
  • Netd@ys Austria 2010
  • Vulgonamen-Datenbank
  • Neue Technologien für Vögelliebhaber
  • Auszeichnung für Praktikanten

update 2|10

  • Erfolgreiches Jahr 2009
  • peak.AR nun auch für Android-Handys
  • tripwolf mit Augmented Reality
  • Gender-spezifische Navigation
  • Zukunftstechnologien in Österreich
  • Datenschutzsensibles Webmonitoring

update 3|10

  • 10 Jahre Salzburg Research
  • 7. Salzburger Medientag
  • Intelligentes Verkehrsmanagement
  • Hallein-Tour-Guide: Hallein neu erleben
  • Salzburgs Weltkulturerbe am iPad
  • Salzburg NewMediaLab verlängert

Netd@ys Austria 2004

Der “aon young creativity award”, Teil Europas größter Jugend-Online-Initiative Netd@ys, widmete sich 2004 dem Thema “Europe in Motion”. Alle Siegerprojekte des Wettbewerbs sowie Zusammenfassungen des “Netd@ys Festivals” und der “Netd@ys Dialogue Night” werden auf dieser DVD präsentiert.

Netd@ys Austria 98 02

Hallein-Tour-Guide – Virtual Tour Knappensteig

Together with the tourism association Hallein und other regional partners Salzburg Research develops a mobile, interactive experiences trail from the city of Hallein up to the Dürrnberg. The area is rich in industrial and cultural heritage (salt mine, Celtic village, pilgrimage church) and represents an attractive natural environment. more

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria