Tag ‘Social Media’



ways2know – An innovative tool for knowledge management of ways2go

Assessment of feasibility of a knowledge management tool more

KiWi version 1.0 lauched

After more than two and a half years of development version 1.0 of the semantic collaborative knowledge management software was published. more

Erfolgreicher Aufbau von Online-Communitys.

Getting Granular on Twitter Tweets from a Conference and their Limited Usefulness for Non-Participants.

SNML-FCP – Future Content Platforms

The traditional way of creating content involves many different steps and often is a time-consuming as well as expensive endeavor. Contents are often restricted by the respective type of media they are to be used for (e.g. text and images for a newspaper), which also mostly leave little space for user-generated contents. However, current developments on the internet like “social software” and the “semantic web” are gradually changing the way contents are consumed. more

ComStudy – Successful virtual community building and technological support

The success of new and participative applications of the Web 2.0 is deeply connected with the usage by virtual communities. Their involvement is essential for the success of these Web-related projects. Hence, the question about successful community building is crucial and gets a lot of attention. more

Report: KiWi Release Party

After more than 2 and half years of work, the KiWi platform 1.0 was officially released to the community. The event took place at Planetarium, an exciting space and quite inspiring. The space was properly made up by “KiWi” style, colors and flavors. more

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2009

Lesen Sie unsere wirtschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Erfolge, unsere wichtigsten Daten und Fakten sowie umfassende Informationen über unsere international anerkannte Forschung.

Sie finden neben den Highlights aus vier Forschungslinien, zwei Kompetenzzentren sowie unseren neuen Kompetenzschwerpunkt e-Health auch unsere Wissenbilanz.

April 2010

update 1|10

  • Fortsetzung des Salzburg NewMediaLab
  • Soziale Netzwerke
  • Netd@ys Austria 2010
  • Vulgonamen-Datenbank
  • Neue Technologien für Vögelliebhaber
  • Auszeichnung für Praktikanten

update 2|10

  • Erfolgreiches Jahr 2009
  • peak.AR nun auch für Android-Handys
  • tripwolf mit Augmented Reality
  • Gender-spezifische Navigation
  • Zukunftstechnologien in Österreich
  • Datenschutzsensibles Webmonitoring

update 3|10

  • 10 Jahre Salzburg Research
  • 7. Salzburger Medientag
  • Intelligentes Verkehrsmanagement
  • Hallein-Tour-Guide: Hallein neu erleben
  • Salzburgs Weltkulturerbe am iPad
  • Salzburg NewMediaLab verlängert
How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria