Tag ‘Mobilität’



ways2know – An innovative tool for knowledge management of ways2go

Assessment of feasibility of a knowledge management tool more

Open-Spirit – Study and Pilot-Demonstration of intermodal/interoperable Traveller-Information-Technologies

Innovation, pilot and demonstration study in the domain of intermodal passenger transport management more

InterEVENT – Study and pilot demonstration for traffic management at major events

InterEVENT is a pilot study with the goal of supporting traffic management for major events with clearly defined event sites and time frames. more

ANET-TourGuide – TourGuide for Web and Mobile Devices

The project “TourGuide for the Web and Mobile Devices” develops services that help users to plan and make tours and trips in the countryside. The TourGuide provides maps and related multimedia information on specific target areas which allow users to study different offers in detail. more

ANET-MobilityLab – Testlab for Mobile Services

Tourism is usually regarded as one of the prime application fields for mobile devices. They allow travellers to access services at any time by using portable devices, such as mobile phones. Previous mobile solutions have shown that – provided that they are based on a feasible business model and a software development process that has been aligned for mobile solutions – they benefit both users and providers equally. more

Smart Move – tripwolf iPhone travel guide

The mobile iPhone application “tripwolf iPhone travel guide“ offers travelers quick (online and offline) access to topical, professional information on different countries, regions and cities. With the help of Augmented Reality, information is automatically displayed right in live view on their iPhone camera. more

ways2navigate – navigation for pedestrians

The aim of ways2navigate is to close effectively information deficit of pedestrians with novel navigation technologies. The project studies with the help of iterative user experiments which conditions and which target groups are suitable for digital map, language and Augmented Reality technology in order to support pedestrians in an urban environment. more

SemWay – Semantics for Navigation Systems

SemWay aims at developing a methodology and models for building semantically enriched navigation systems. more

Mobile Gemeinschaften. Erfolgreiche Beispiele aus den Bereichen Spielen, Lernen und Gesundheit.

mit Beiträgen von Nicola Döring, Martin Ebner, Christian Kittl und Emanuel Maxl

Über Online-Gemeinschaften wird schon seit mehr als 20 Jahren geforscht. Gemeinschaften, die ausschließlich oder vorrangig über mobile Endgeräte kommunizieren sind hingegen eine junge Entwicklung. Die Forschungseinrichtung evolaris (Graz) und die Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft sowie das Salzburg NewMediaLab haben nun in dieser Studie erfolgreiche Beispiele für solche mobilen Gemeinschaften zusammengetragen.

MobiCom Studie from Salzburg Research on Vimeo.

Für mobile Gemeinschaften sehen vor allem Mobilfunkbetreiber und Handyhersteller großes ökonomisches Potential: Wer sich gerne mobil austauscht und kommuniziert, benötigt dazu entsprechende Ausrüstung und zahlt dafür auch. Im Fokus dieser Studie stehen dabei die Einsatzbereiche Spielen, Lernen und Gesundheit. Anhand von Beispielen für mobile Gemeinschaften, die sich zusammenfinden um gemeinsam fit zu bleiben, gemeinsame Spielabenteuer zu erleben oder auch gemeinsam zu lernen, wird gezeigt wie sich derzeit mobile Gemeinschaften bilden und austauschen und was Nachahmer berücksichtigen sollen. Ergänzend wurden Expert/innen gebeten, aus ihrem Arbeitsgebiet zu berichten: Prof. Dr. Nicola Döring, Dr. Martin Ebner, Dr. Christian Kittl und Mag. Emanuel Maxl teilen auf diese Weise ihren Erfahrungsschatz.

Die Studie ist sowohl gedruckt mit mehr als 40 farbigen Abbildungen im Buchhandel erhältlich (29.90 Euro; ISBN 978-3-902448-25-5), als auch frei und kostenlos zugänglich im Web (wie alle Bände der Social-Media-Reihe) erhältlich:

Slideshare: www.slideshare.net/snml

SAFE-EVENT – Integration of security issues and tourism applications for events in the State of Salzburg

Concepts and technologies for advanced security during big events. more

TPA – Route Scheduling for Field Staff

The software prototype enables a significant efficiency increase in route scheduling. It is tailored to meet the requirements of field staff, especially for small and medium-sized companies. more

FLOW – Dynamical Fleet Scheduling

Design and evaluate a service architecture to utilize real-time traffic information for dynamical fleet scheduling. more

An Approach to Semantic Processing of GPS Traces.

Comparing the Effectiveness of GPS-Enhanced Voice Guidance for Pedestrians with Metric- and Landmark-Based Instruction Sets.

peak.AR – Experience the intriguing panorama of the peaks surrounding you

Have you ever wondered “What is the name of that prominent peak over there?” – find the answer simply by taking a look through the camera of your iPhone or Android device. more

Intelligent Sensors in Traffic Management

An innovative traffic management system will efficiently guide the traffic in accordance with the objectives of operators.  more

Jahresbericht | Wissensbilanz 2009

Lesen Sie unsere wirtschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Erfolge, unsere wichtigsten Daten und Fakten sowie umfassende Informationen über unsere international anerkannte Forschung.

Sie finden neben den Highlights aus vier Forschungslinien, zwei Kompetenzzentren sowie unseren neuen Kompetenzschwerpunkt e-Health auch unsere Wissenbilanz.

April 2010

update 1|10

  • Fortsetzung des Salzburg NewMediaLab
  • Soziale Netzwerke
  • Netd@ys Austria 2010
  • Vulgonamen-Datenbank
  • Neue Technologien für Vögelliebhaber
  • Auszeichnung für Praktikanten

update 2|10

  • Erfolgreiches Jahr 2009
  • peak.AR nun auch für Android-Handys
  • tripwolf mit Augmented Reality
  • Gender-spezifische Navigation
  • Zukunftstechnologien in Österreich
  • Datenschutzsensibles Webmonitoring

SUEHC – Securing Urban Extramural Health Care

Optimising and securing the delivery of mobile care services in urban as well as in rural areas in case of catastrophes (for example, in case of flooding). SUEHC examines the critical infrastructure for possible disruptive figures. more

FEMroute – Consideration of gender-specific requirements for mobile services

So far the producers of mobility supporting systems have often used little more than fancy packaging and design to reach out to female customers. The underlying software solutions, however, usually have been remained unchanged. Female-specific factors in spatial perception and navigation were either not considered sufficiently, or not at all. This ignores studies that have shown gender-specific differences concerning orientation and strategies of path-finding. more

Hallein-Tour-Guide – Virtual Tour Knappensteig

Together with the tourism association Hallein und other regional partners Salzburg Research develops a mobile, interactive experiences trail from the city of Hallein up to the Dürrnberg. The area is rich in industrial and cultural heritage (salt mine, Celtic village, pilgrimage church) and represents an attractive natural environment. more

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria