Archive for the ‘Jobausschreibung’ Category



2-month summer internship: Cycling data

People, products and machines are on the move and increasingly wirelessly connected. This enormous dynamic offers new opportunities for business and society. With Motion Data Intelligence, Salzburg Research makes the movement of people and things measurable, links them reliably, develops algorithms for meaningful analyses and thus increases added value and efficiency.

The research group Mobility & Transport Analytics collects and analyses traffic data. Among other things, the possible applications of various sensors in the cycling sector are being researched. In order to train the neural network (“artificial intelligence”), LiDAR point clouds of traffic situations are to be recorded, annotated and analysed using a special research bicycle. We are looking for an intern (f/d/m) for this:

2-month summer internship
30 hours per week or by arrangement

Job advertisment (PDF – in German)

Your responsibilities

  • Support for data recording with a research bicycle
  • Digitisation of the test ride protocols and comparison with the available measurement data
  • Annotation of the recorded data
  • Analysis of the annotated data
  • Analysis and visualisation of the results

Your Qualifications

  • Good IT skills, ideally experience in the use of command line programmes
  • Willingness to familiarise yourself with new programmes & processes
  • Reliable, independent working style
  • Enthusiasm for new, complex issues
  • Own active cycling is an advantage

Depending on qualifications, the monthly salary for the internship is at least EUR 1,863 gross for full-time (38.5 hours/week) in accordance with the research collective agreement. Actual pay depends on qualifications.

Please send the application documents digitally to:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Post-Doc Energy Transition

Salzburg Research and the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg are closely collaborating on the intersection of energy systems and digitalization to accelerate the energy transition.
To strengthen our interdisciplinary research team, we are looking (for 4 years) for a full-time

PostDoc (f|m|non-binary)

Announcement (PDF)

The position is by intention thematically open to allow for promising and upcoming research topics to be proposed (along the lines laid out above).

Your Responsibilities

  • Carrying out independent research
  • Publication of research results at scientific conferences and in journals
  • Developing novel research approaches and methods
  • Supporting the acquisition of third-party funding

Your Qualifications

  • Completed doctorate in computer science or data science
  • Know-How in communication and network technologies
  • Experience in the field of energy networks is beneficial
  • A track record in international cooperation and in the acquisition of third-party funding
  • Can-do-attitude and willingness to shape an individual (and internationally visible) line of research combining energy systems and digitalization

The monthly salary is EUR 4,752.30 gross for a 40-hour week according to the FWF-model. The position is at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg.

Please send your application, including a one-page sketch of your aspired line of research, with the identification [PostDoc-EXDIGIT] to:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Wanted Human Resources Generalist (w/d/m)

In part-time:

Ausschreibung als PDF

Full text in German

Project Management Assistant / Student

In fulltime:

Announcement (PDF in German)

Full text in German

Accountant (w/d/m)

In part-time:

Announcement (PDF in German)

Full text in German

PostDoc (f|m|non-binary)

To strengthen our interdisciplinary research team, we are looking (for 4 years) for a full-time PostDoc (f|m|non-binary)

As part of the “Excellence in Digital Sciences and Interdisciplinary Technologies” (EXDIGIT) initiative funded by the Province of Salzburg, Salzburg Research and the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg are working together at the interface of digitalisation, recommender systems and psychological models and techniques of behavioural change in order to enable novel solutions through application-oriented basic research, e.g., for sustainable and effective mobility questions or in tourism. In close cooperation with the associated EXDIGIT professors and Salzburg Research, EXDIGIT pays special attention to building bridges between different disciplines.

Announcement (PDF)

Your Responsibilities

  • Carrying out independent research
  • Publication of research results at scientific conferences and in journals
  • Contributing to the further development of research areas through novel research approaches and methods
  • Supporting the acquisition of third-party funding

Your Qualifications

  • Completed doctorate in computer science, business informatics, data science, psychology with a (digital or technological) focus appropriate to the call for applications or a related field
  • Visible scientific reputation
  • A profile that offers opportunities for affiliation with the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences
  • Experience in international cooperation and in the acquisition of third-party funding
  • Interest in interdisciplinary issues

The monthly salary is EUR 4,752.30 gross for a 40-hour week according to the FWF-model. The position is at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg.

Please send your application with the identification [PostDoc-EXDIGIT] to:

We look forward to hearing from you!

PhD Student (f|m|non-binary) – Data Engineer in Digital Health

To strengthen our interdisciplinary research team, we are looking for a full-time position (for 3 years) with immediate effect.

Salzburg Research and the Salzburg Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention closely collaborate at the interface of digitalisation, psychology, and health to enable sustainable and effective health promotion in prevention and rehabilitation through innovative solutions.

With a focus on the development of digital health interventions that sustainably promote health-promoting behaviour. So-called adaptive interventions enable a high degree of personalisation and adjustment based on high-quality health and movement data in the context of “precision medicine”.

Announcement (PDF)

Your Area of responsibility

  • Further development of a data collection and data management platform for interdisciplinary research
  • Joint development of new technical concepts for intervention options
  • Testing and evaluation of digital sensor technology
  • Deployment of (real-time) algorithms and AI models in models in productive systems
  • Scientific work: publications, lectures, conferences in DE/EN

Your Qualifications

  • A completed Master’s degree in (medical) informatics, data science or a related field
  • Good programming skills, ideally Java and Python
  • Basic knowledge of data analysis, e.g., with R, Matlab, etc.
  • Ideally experience in the health and/or medical sector or relevant technologies (e.g., the processing of high-frequency sensor data)

The monthly salary is EUR 3,163.16 gross for a 38.5-hour week, analogous to the FWF model.

Please send your application with the identification [DOK-Engineer] to:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Research Employee IVC with focus on sustainable & digital innovation

In part-time or full-time:

Announcement (PDF in German)

Full text in German

Researcher ICT (w/d/m) for the energy transition

In part-time or full-time:

Announcement (PDF in German)

Full text in German

Wanted Commercial Management with procuration

In part-time or full-time:

Advertisement (PDF in German)

Full text in German

Wanted Human Resources Generalist (w/d/m)

In part-time:

Advertisment (PDF in German)

Full text in German

Wanted: Operator (w/d/m)

In part-time:

Advertisment in German

Full text in German

Data Scientist (w/d/m) Intelligent Connectivity

In part-time or full-time:

Announcement (PDF in German)

Full text in German

Wanted: Data Scientist Human Motion Analytics

In part-time or full-time:

Advertisment [PDF in German]

Full text in German


Wanted: Data Scientist Intelligent Connectivity

In part-time or full-time:

Advertisement (PDF in German)

Full text in German

Werkstudierende (w/d/m) gesucht

Willst du auch zur Mobilitätswende beitragen und dein Know-how in aktuellen sowie zukünftigen Forschungsprojekten einbringen? Dann bewirb dich bei uns für eine Teilzeitposition (min. 12 Std.)

Ausschreibung als PDF

Erforsche die Dynamik und Innovationen einer Smart Region!

Salzburg Research bietet als unabhängiges Forschungsinstitut Know-how und nachhaltige Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen im Internet der Dinge. Wir sind Think-Tank für innovative Unternehmen unterschiedlichster Branchen und die öffentliche Hand – international orientiert und der Region verpflichtet.

Du hast Interesse daran, wie sich die Mobilität in Städten, Regionen und im Tourismus zukünftig entwickelt, welche neuen datenbasierten Mobilitätsprodukte, -services oder Geschäftsmodelle entstehen? Der Blick in Open Innovation, Akzeptanz digitaler Mobilitätsinnovationen und nachhaltiges Mobilitätsverhalten klingt spannend?

Dann bist du bei uns – der Forschungsgruppe „Innovation & Value Creation“ – genau richtig!


  • Inhaltliche Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Studien und Projekte
  • Unterstützung durch systematische Recherche von Literatur, Datenscreening, Erhebung (Online-Fragebogen, Fallstudien), Auswertung bis zur Aufbereitung und Visualisierung der Ergebnisse (qualitative / quantitative empirische Methoden)
  • Unterstützung bei Aufgaben des Projekt­managements für (inter-)nationale Forschungs­projekte (Protokolle, Update Websites, Unterstützung bei Berichtslegung)
  • Unterstützung von Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsergebnisse in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und auf (inter-)nationalen Konferenzen in Deutsch und Englisch


  • laufendes Fach- / Hochschulstudium (Master) im Bereich Psychologie, Soziologie o.ä. Spezialisierung auf Innovation, Digitalisierung oder Erfahrung mit Mobilitäts­- / Tourismusverhalten und Nachhaltigkeit von Vorteil
  • Erfahrungen mit Statistik und in der Erhebung und Auswertung von Daten im sozialwissenschaftlichen Bereich (SPSS, R) von Vorteil
  • Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort & Schrift; Reisebereitschaft
  • Affinität zu digitalen Technologien (z.B. Internet­tech­nologien, Sensorik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Social Media)

Unsere flexiblen Rahmenbedingungen für eine individuelle Work-Life-Balance und weitere Benefits von uns findest du unter:

Das Jahresentgelt beträgt bei Vollzeit (38,5 Stunden / Woche) EUR 37.618 brutto gemäß Forschungskollektivvertrag in der Stufe D1.

Deine Bewerbung sendest Du bitte mit der Kennung [IVC] als PDF an:

Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Mitarbeiterin im Personal- & Rechnungswesen (w/d/m) gesucht

Langfristigen Verstärkung in Teilzeit gesucht.

Auschreibung als PDF

Menschen und Zahlen sind Ihre Leidenschaft!

Menschen, Produkte und Maschinen sind in Bewegung und zunehmend drahtlos vernetzt. Diese enorme Dynamik bietet neue Chancen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Mit Motion Data Intelligence machen wir die Bewegung der Dinge messbar, verknüpfen sie zuverlässig, entwickeln Algorithmen für aussagekräftige Analysen und steigern damit Mehrwert und Effizienz. Salzburg Research bietet als unabhängiges Forschungsinstitut Know-how und nachhaltige Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen im Internet der Dinge. Wir sind Think-Tank für innovative Unternehmen unterschiedlichster Branchen und die öffentliche Hand – international orientiert und der Region verpflichtet.


  • Ansprechperson für alle internen Personalanliegen, Behörden und Dritte
  • Administrative Personalverwaltung vom Ein- bis zum Austritt
  • Vorbereitungstätigkeiten der Lohnverrechnung für den Steuerberater sowie Verbuchung
  • Erstellung von Bescheinigungen, Statistiken und Auswertungen
  • Unterstützung bei administrativen Tätigkeiten und internen Projekten


  • Kommunikative, aufgeschlossene Persönlichkeit & Teamplayerin
  • Sehr gewissenhafte & organisierte Arbeitsweise
  • Kaufmännische Grundausbildung
  • Fundierte MS-Office-Kenntnisse insbesondere in Excel wünschenswert
  • Erfahrungen in vergleichbaren Positionen oder im Rechnungswesen von Vorteil

Das Jahresentgelt beträgt Vollzeit bei einer 38,5 Std./Woche mindestens EUR 37.618 brutto gemäß Forschungskollektivvertrag in der Stufe D1 mit der Möglichkeit zur Überzahlung. Die tatsächliche Einstufung erfolgt nach der jeweiligen Qualifikation und Erfahrung.

Die Bewerbungsunterlagen senden Sie bitte digital an:

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Software Engineer (w/d/m) für Mobilitätsdatendienste gesucht

Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf Verstärkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Software Engineer für Mobilitätsdaten

Data Engineer (w/d/m) für Mobilitätsdaten gesucht

Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf Verstärkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Data Engineer für Mobilitätsdaten

Master thesis topic: navigation of a mobile autonomous robot

Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf Verstärkung.

Researcher ICT (w/d/m) gesucht: Schwerpunkt Energienetze

Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf Verstärkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Researcher ICT mit Schwerpunkt Energienetze

Software & Data Engineer (w/d/m) gesucht: Schwerpunkt Geodatenbanken & Cloud-Services

Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf Verstärkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Software & Data Engineer mit Schwerpunkt Geodatenbanken & Cloud-Services

Software & Data Engineer (w/d/m) gesucht: Schwerpunkt Java Web Development

Eine spannende Nische zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit neuen technologischen Herausforderungen wartet ab sofort oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auf Verstärkung in Teil- oder Vollzeit als Software & Data Engineer mit Schwerpunkt Java Web Development

Researcher wanted – with focus on geographic information processing in automated & connected mobility

An exciting niche between science and business with new technological challenges is waiting for reinforcement in part-time or full-time as a Researcher with a focus on geographic information processing in automated & networked mobility, starting immediately or at a later date.

Data Scientist with doctoral intentions wanted – “Intelligent Connectivity”

An exciting niche between science and business with new technological challenges is now waiting for reinforcement on a part-time or full-time basis.

We Are Looking For: Java Web Developer

To strengtehn our team, we are looking for a Java Web Developer.


We are offering: Cloud Software Designer (m/f)

In order to extend and strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for a Cloud Software Designer (m/f) development and deployment of Internet Platforms. more

We are offering: Researcher (m/f) Security, Privacy, Trust and Reputation

In order to extend and strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for a Researcher (m/f) Security, Privacy, Trust and Reputation. more

We are offering: Researcher (m/f) machine learning and data analytics

In order to extend and strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for a Researcher (m/f) machine learning and data analytics. more

We are offering: UX/UI Developer (m/f)

In order to extend and strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for an UX/UI Developer (w/f) more

We are looking for: Accountant

In order to strengthen our team in the long term, we are looking for a part-timer (25 hours per week) as an accountant. more

We are looking for: Researcher Communication Technologies

In order to strengthen our team in the long term, we are now looking for a researcher in communication technology, part-time or full-time. more

We are looking for: Researcher – applied innovation research

To strengthen our team in the long term, we are now looking for a full-time researcher. more

We remit: Internship (part/full time) – Digital Social Innovation

From now on we give away a diversified internship for at least 3 – 6 months.


We are looking for: Webmaster

We are looking for a long term reinforcement in part time (at least 15 hours / week): more

We are looking for: Intern (part-time/full-time)

From now on we are giving away a varied internship for at least 3 to 6 months. more

We are looking for: Researcher (m/f) – 5G communication

For the long-term reinforcement of our team in the ANC department, we are now looking for a partial / full researcher (m/f) – 5G communication.


We are looking for: Researcher

For the long-term reinforcement of our team in the department IoT we are looking for a Researcher  in part-time or full-time more

We are looking for: Researcher – eHealth

For the long-term reinforcement of our team in the MOWI department, we are looking for a Researcher in part or full time – eHealth more

We are looking for: System-/Webadministrator

For our IT infrastructure, we are looking for a long-term reinforcement (partial or full-time) in the field of system/web administration.


We are looking for: Researcher (m/f) – IP Communication

To strengthen our team in the ANC department we are looking for a Researcher (m/f) IP Communication in part time or full time. more

We are looking for: Intern (15-38.5 hrs/week) in Accounting and Human Resources

In order to reinforce our team in the PRW department, we will be providing a varied internship from 1 June 2017. more

We are looking for: Researcher – communication technologies

To strengthen our team in the ANC department, we are looking for a Researcher – communications technologies. more

We are looking for: Researcher – ICT for energy systems

To strengthen our team in the ANC department, we are looking for a Researcher – ICT for energy systems. more

We are seeking: IT Administrator

To strengthen our team in the department of technology, we are looking for an IT administrator (m / f) in part-time (15 hrs / week) more

We are looking for: Researcher (m/f)

To strengthen our team in the IoT department, we are looking for a full-time researcher (m/f). more

We are looking for: Researcher (m/f)

To strengthen our team in the MOWi department, we are looking for a full-time researcher (m/f). more

We assign an internship in the field of system set-up and evaluation

To strengthen our team in the Mobile and Web-based Information System (MOWI) department, we are now looking for a full-time scientific assistant. more

Job opening: Researcher (m/f) – spatiotemporal data analysis

The research group Mobile and Web-based Information Systems (MOWI) is looking for a researcher (m/f) – spatiotemporal data analysis. more

Job opening: IT-Support (m/f) (15-20 h/week)

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams in der Abteilung Technik suchen wir ab sofort einen IT-Support (m/w) (15-20 Std./Woche)


Job opening: Internship (15-20 h/week)

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams in der Abteilung Communications (COM) suchen wir ab Oktober 2016 für max. 6 Monate eine/n Praktikant/In (15-20 Std./Woche)


Job opening: researcher (m/f) – emphasis project co-ordination

The research group Mobile and Web-based Information Systems (MOWI) is looking for a researcher (m/f) – emphasis project co-ordination more

Job opening: Researcher (m/f) – Industrial Internet / Enterprise IoT

The research group Internet of Things (IoT) for a Researcher (m/f) – Industrial Internet / Enterprise IoT. more

Wir suchen: Praktikant/in im Bereich Softwaretestung / Roll-Out

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams in der Abteilung MOWI (Mobile and Web-based Information Systems) suchen wir von Februar bis Juni 2016: Praktikant/in im Bereich Softwaretestung / Roll-Out. more

Job opening: Java Web Developer (m/w)

The research group Mobile and Web-based Information Systems (MOWI) is looking for a Java Web Developer (m/f). more

How to find us
Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
Jakob Haringer Straße 5/3
5020 Salzburg, Austria