European Historic Towns and Cultural Tourism in the Experience Economy.

Guntram Geser (2007): European Historic Towns and Cultural Tourism in the Experience Economy. Related knowledge centres and resources In: Niccolucci, Franco (ed.): Digital Applications for Tangible Cultural Heritage. Report on the State of the Union - Policies, Practices and Developments in Europe. Volume 2. Budapest: Archaeolingua 2007, pp. 35-59

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of knowledge centres and resources that are of interest to core themes of the Hist.Urban project. This overview is not intended to be comprehensive. Rather the report aggregates interesting resources that have been identified in the background research of Salzburg Research on requirements of historic towns to promote their built and other cultural heritage and foster cultural tourism in the framework of a sustainable urban development (Hist.Urban Work Group „Socio-economic Revitalisation“)

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